HWWA Discussion Papers, Hamburgisches Welt-Wirtschafts-Archiv (HWWA)

ISSN: 1616-4814

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 201 bis 220 von 306
2002The development and implementation of IMF and World Bank conditionalityDreher, Axel
2001Transaktionskosten und WettbewerbspolitikBusse, Matthias
2001Agglomeration and growth with and without capital mobilityBaldwin, Richard; Forslid, Rikard; Martin, Philippe J.; Ottaviano, Gianmarco I. P.; Robert-Nicoud, Frédéric
2001Since when have FOREX markets incorporated EMU into currency pricing? Evidence from four exchange rate seriesWilfling, Bernd
2001Rechtliche Aspekte der Einführung eines Emissionshandels-Systems für Treibhausgase in Deutschland und der EUButzengeiger, Sonja
2001Ost-West-Migrationspotential: Wie groß ist es?Straubhaar, Thomas
2001Avoiding perverse effects of baseline and investment additionality determination in the case of renewable energy projectsBode, Sven; Michaelowa, Axel
2001Preferences for inequality: East vs. WestSuhrcke, Marc
2001Do energy prices induce progress in energy-related technology? An empirical studySchmitz, Simon
2001Internationalisierung der Dienstleistungserstellung: Konsequenzen für den schweizerischen ArbeitsmarktHenneberger, Fred; Ziegler, Alexandre
2001Filtering with searchTaub, Bart
2001Testing for convergence clubs in income per-capita: A predictive density approachCanova, Fabio
2001Standards in the international telecommunications regimeWerle, Raymund
2001Mitigation versus adaptation: The political economy of competition between climate policy strategies and the consequences for developing countriesMichaelowa, Axel
2001Regional adjustment dynamicsMöller, Joachim
2001Taxation of interest in the European UnionMutén, Leif
2001Long-term unemployment and subsidizing vacancies in a growth-matching modelBirk, Angela
2001Glocalisation, foreign direct investment and regional development perspectives: Empirical results for West German regionsKnödler, Hermann; Albertshauser, Ulrich
2001Complementarity of labor market institutions, equilibrium unemployment and the propagation of business cyclesBurda, Michael C.; Weder, Mark
2001The geography and channels of diffusion at the world's technology frontierKeller, Wolfgang
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 201 bis 220 von 306
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