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Series/Report no.: 
Erlanger Beiträge zur Medienwirtschaft No. 14/2020
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Institut für Buchwissenschaft, Professur für Buchwissenschaft, insb. E-Publishing und Digitale Märkte, Erlangen
Abstract (Translated): 
The term 'digital sovereignty' is increasingly used in the context of the discussion about 'digital transformation'. Sovereignty in the digital world is considered a prerequisite for being able to help shape the digital transformation in all functional areas of society. However, the term 'digital sovereignty' has so far been used primarily in a prescriptive-normative sense; a differentiated theoretical work and concrete contextualizations for different social functional areas are still a desideratum. This working paper therefore sets itself the task of contextualizing the idea of digital sovereignty in the domain of public communication mediated by the media: The question arises where exactly sovereignty as a specific object of investigation in media society and media communication plays a role. This requires a conceptual-abstract version that goes beyond the mere enumeration of obvious phenomena or normatively influenced demands ('freedom of opinion', 'informational self-determination').
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Document Type: 
Research Report

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