Open Access Articles from the Wiley-DEAL Agreement, John Wiley & Sons

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1538
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2024Review of periodical literature for 2022: (ii) 1100–1500Gibbs, Spike
2024Compliance in the public versus the private realm: Economic preferences, institutional trust and COVID‐19 health behaviorsSternberg, Henrike; Steinert, Janina Isabel; Büthe, Tim
2024The Equilibrium Size and Value‐Added of Venture CapitalSannino, Francesco
2024Disease and development—The predicted mortality instrument revisitedKreitmeir, David; Überfuhr, Thomas
2024A family member's death increases religious activity: Evidence from GermanyFriehe, Tim; Pfeifer, Christian
2024Augmented reality marketing and consumer‒brand relationships: How closeness drives brand loveRauschnabel, Philipp A.; Hüttl‐Maack, Verena; Ahuvia, Aaron C.; Schein, Katrin E.
2024Homeless Clients' Circulation in Emergency Care: Rethinking Poverty Governance as Urban ImpasseKrüger, Daniela
2024Power to the people—And then? A multilevel leadership perspective on organizational decentralizationHuettermann, Hendrik; Berger, Stefan; Reinwald, Max; Bruch, Heike
2024Sociocultural barriers to outsourcing housework: Unraveling the non‐use of domestic servicesTrübner, Miriam; Nisic, Natascha
2024Machinery structure, machinery subsidies, and agricultural productivity: Evidence from ChinaMeng, Meng; Yu, Leng; Yu, Xiaohua
2024Boats as housing in Oxford, UK: Trajectories of Informality in a High‐Income ContextGaluszka, Jakub
2024How activist investors value target firms: Evidence from hedge fund presentationsPfirrmann, Maximilian; Eichner, Korbinian
2024Financial debt contracting and managerial agency problemsImbierowicz, Björn; Streitz, Daniel
2024Extreme Outcomes Accentuate Overweighting of Low Probabilities and Underweighting of High Probabilities in Experience‐Based ChoiceElston, Thomas W.; Leuthold, Hartmut; Mackenzie, Ian G.; Mittelstädt, Victor
2024The Value of Cultural Similarity for Predicting Migration: Evidence from Food and Drink Interests in Digital Trace DataCoimbra Vieira, Carolina; Lohmann, Sophie; Zagheni, Emilio
2024Mixed‐effects regression weights for advice taking and related phenomena of information sampling and utilizationRebholz, Tobias R.; Biella, Marco; Hütter, Mandy
2024Covid‐19 and agricultural labor supply: Evidence from the rural–urban interface of an Indian mega‐cityPreusse, Verena; Silva, Manuel Santos; Steinhübel, Linda; Wollni, Meike
2024Adbusting: How advertising altered by activists affects brandsMaier, Erik; Mafael, Alexander
2024InsurTech in the United States and Germany - What are the drivers behind the different business models?Oletzky, Torsten
2024Should it stay, or swerve? Trading off lives in dilemma situations involving autonomous carsHabla, Wolfgang; Kataria, Mitesh; Martinsson, Peter; Roeder, Kerstin
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1538