Aussenwirtschaft, Schweizerisches Institut für Aussenwirtschaft und Angewandte Wirtschaftsforschung (SIAW-HSG), Universität St.Gallen

ISSN: 0004-8216

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 289
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2008Regional Trade Agreements and Foreign Direct Investment: Impact of existing RTAs on FDI and trade flows in the Andean Community and implications of a hemispheric RTA in the AmericasPáez, Laura
2007Indian Exports at Crossroads: Why the European Community is Subjecting Indian Goods to Countervailing DutiesSinha, Sagnik
2007The Economic Impact of Investment Provisions in Regional Trade AgreementsLesher, Molly; Miroudot, Sébastien
2007Book Review: Corporate and Institutional Transparency for Economic Growth in EuropeFolly, David
2007Book Review: The Social Construction of Free Trade - The European Union, NAFTA, and MercosurMeier, Michael
2007Reformbedarf der WTO im Bereich der Integrations- und PräferenzabkommenSenti, Richard
2007Home Market Effects of Foreign Direct Investment: The Case of GermanyKlodt, Henning; Christensen, Björn
2007Beyond Biosafety - An Analysis of the EC-Biotech Panel ReportFranken, Lorenz; Burchardi, Jan-Erik
2007Estimating Market Power in the Swiss Petrol Retailing Industry - An New Empirical Industrial Organisation ApproachEhrsam, Peter; Herger, Nils; Sutter, Oliver
2007National Security Aspects of Western-Middle East Free Trade Agreementsal Khouri, Riad
2007Muss das hohe US-Leistungsbilanzdefizit zu einer massiven Aufwertung der europäischen Währungen führen? Eine andere SichtDovern, Jonas; Meier, Carsten-Patrick; Scheide, Joachim
2007Aid Effectiveness: The Case of General Budget SupportGerster, Richard
2007Implementierung einer anreizkompatiblen Senioritätsregel zur Verhinderung Internationaler VerschuldungskrisenFrech, Tim; Hess, Martin K.
2007Book Review: The United States as a Debtor NationLutz, Matthias
2007What has Competition Done for Europe? An Inter-Disciplinary AnswerAnderson, Robert D.; Heimler, Alberto
2007Book Review: Trade Policy at the Crossroad. UT: The Recent Experience of Developing CountriesGurbaxani, Indira
2007Book Review: Tanz der Riesen: Indien und China prägen die WeltGurbaxani, Indira
2007Linking Trade and Security in Asia: Has Washington's Policy Worked?Dieter, Heribert; Higgott, Richard
2007Reciprocity and the Doha Round Impasse: Lessons for the Near Term and AfterEvenett, Simon J.
2007Asset Price Bubbles and Monetary Policy: What can be learned from the Swiss Experience?Savioz, Marcel R.; Bengui, Julien
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 289