Administrative Sciences, MDPI

ISSN: 2076-3387

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 917
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2023Strategic management of IT practices in tourism for operation and service enhancementRubio Sánchez, Juan Luis; Revilla, Raquel García; Martínez Moure, Olga
2023A categorization of resilience: A scoping reviewNieuwborg, Alexander; Hiemstra-van Mastrigt, Suzanne; Melles, Marijke; Zekveld, Jan; Santema, Sicco
2023Effect of applying business intelligence on export development and brand internationalization in large industrial firmsGolestanizadeh, Mahboobeh; Sarvari, Hadi; Cristofaro, Matteo; Chan, Daniel W. M.
2023Organizational change: The challenge of change aversionHubbart, Jason A.
2023Assessing the quality of digital coproduction: An interdisciplinary modelRadtke, Ina; Hoevens, Noortje; Brandsen, Taco; Honingh, Marlies
2023New perspectives on entrepreneurship education: IntroductionMets, Tõnis; Kozlinska, Inna; Raudsaar, Mervi; Trabskaia, Iuliia
2023The entrepreneurial ecosystem in the Eastern cone of Lima as a predictor of competitiveness and sustainable developmentBejarano Auqui, Jesús Fernando; Ruiz Berrio, Adriana; Rodríguez Antonio, Raúl; Estefany Aguado, Beatriz
2023Firm characteristics, business environment, strategic orientation, and performanceHandoyo, Sofik; Sri Mulyani; Ghani, Erlane K.; Soedarsono, Slamet
2023Motivations of volunteering during crises: Perspectives of Polish youths during the Ukrainian refugee crisisSengupta, Debashish; Verghese, Aniisu K.; Rys, Maciej
2023Determination of public supervision aspects and legal pillars of activities of financial agents in Central European countriesSidak, Mikuláš; Slezáková, Andrea; Hajnišová, Edita; Filip, Stanislav
2023Impactful female directors and earnings management: The moderating effect of ownership concentrationAl Absy, Mujeeb Saif Mohsen
2023Bureaucratic and societal determinants of female-led microenterprises in IndiaDevlina; Sahu, Santosh Kumar
2023Women's risk-taking behaviour during COVID-19 pandemic: Will work-family enrichment and work satisfaction prevent turnover intention?Dewi, I. Gusti Ayu Manuati; Rajiani, Ismi; I Gede Riana; Ni Made Dwi Puspitawati; Muafi; Rihayana, I. Gede
2023Creating value via the circular economy: Practices in the tourism sectorAxhami, Mirdaim; Ndou, Valentina; Milo, Veronica; Scorrano, Paola
2023Digital transformation: Inevitable change or sizable opportunity? The strategic role of HR management in industry 4.0Galanti, Teresa; De Vincenzi, Clara; Buonomo, Ilaria; Benevene, Paula
2023A new approach for agile teams' allocation in open innovation projectsAnes, Vitor; Abreu, António; Dias, Ana; Calado, João
2023Japan's corporate governance transformation: Convergence or reconfiguration?Renou, Theo; Carraz, Rene; Burger-Helmchen, Thierry
2023Green human resource management and brand citizenship behavior in the hotel industry: Mediation of organizational pride and individual green values as a moderatorElshaer, Ibrahim A.; Azazz, Alaa M. S.; Kooli, Chokri; Fayyad, Sameh
2023Social sustainability of digital transformation: Empirical evidence from EU-27 countriesNosratabadi, Saeed; Atobishi, Thabit; Hegedűs, Szilárd
2023Be innovative and resilient: Empirical evidence from Saudi firms on how to translate entrepreneurial orientation into firm performanceAloulou, Wassim J.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 917