Discussion Paper Series 1: Economic Studies, Deutsche Bundesbank

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 281 bis 300 von 426
2004Asset Prices in Taylor Rules: Specification, Estimation, and Policy Implications for the ECBSiklos, Pierre L.; Werner, Thomas; Bohl, Martin T.
2004Policy instrument choice and non-coordinated monetary in interdependent economiesLombardo, Giovanni; Sutherland, Alan
2004On the decision to go public: Evidence from privately-held firmsLjungqvist, Alexander; Boehmer, Ekkehart
2004How effective are automatic stabilisers? Theory and empirical results for Germany and other OECD countriesTödter, Karl-Heinz; Scharnagl, Michael
2004FDI versus cross-border financial services: The globalisation of German banksBuch, Claudia M.; Lipponer, Alexander
2004Optimal lender of last resort policy in different financial systemsFecht, Falko; Tyrell, Marcel
2004Estimating equilibrium real interest rates in real-timeClark, Todd E.; Kozicki, Sharon
2004Who do you trust while bubbles grow and blow? A comparative analysis of the explanatory power of accounting and patent information for the market values of German firmsReitzig, Markus; Ramb, Fred
2004PPP: a Disaggregated ViewFischer, Christoph
2004Testing for business cycle asymmetries based on autoregressions with a Markov-switching interceptKnüppel, Malte
2004Taylor rules for the euro area: the issue of real-time dataGerdesmeier, Dieter; Roffia, Barbara
2004The Contribution of Rapid Financial Development to Asymmetric Growth of Manufacturing Industries: Common Claims vs. Evidence for Polandvon Furstenberg, George M.
2004How the Bundesbank really conducted monetary policy: An analysis based on real-time dataGerberding, Christina; Worms, Andreas; Seitz, Franz
2004Welfare Implications of the Design of a Currency Union in Case of Member Countries of Different Sizes and Output PersistenceFrey, Rainer
2004Measurement errors in GDP and forward-looking monetary policy: The Swiss caseKugler, Peter; Jordan, Thomas J.; Lenz, Carlos; Savioz, Marcel R.
2004Fiscal rules and monetary policy in a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium modelKremer, Jana
2004Does co-financing by multilateral development banks increase "risky" direct investment in emerging markets?Wezel, Torsten
2004The Inventory Cycle of the German EconomyKnetsch, Thomas A.
2003Determinants of German FDI: New Evidence from Micro-DataToubal, Farid; Kleinert, Jörn; Buch, Claudia M.
2003Finite-sample distributions of self-normalized sumsKim, Jeong-Ryeol
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 281 bis 300 von 426
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