Discussion Paper Series 1: Economic Studies, Deutsche Bundesbank

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 301 bis 320 von 426
2003A comparison of dynamic panel data estimators: Monte Carlo evidence and an application to the investment functionBehr, Andreas
2003The Forecasting Performance of German Stock Option DensitiesKeller, Joachim; Glatzer, Ernst; Craig, Ben R.; Scheicher, Martin
2003How wacky is the DAX? The changing structure of German stock market volatilityWerner, Thomas; Stapf, Jelena
2003A Vectorautoregressive Investment Model (VIM) and Monetary Policy Transmission: Panel Evidence from German Firmsvon Kalckreuth, Ulf; Chirinko, Robert S.; Breitung, Jörg
2003Exact tests and confidence sets for the tail coefficient of a-stable distributionsDufour, Jean-Marie; Kurz-Kim, Jeong-Ryeol
2003Did the Bundesbank React to Stock Price Movements?Siklos, Pierre L.; Bohl, Martin T.; Werner, Thomas
2003Bidder Behavior in Repo Auctions without Minimum Bid Rate: Evidence from the BundesbankNautz, Dieter; Linzert, Tobias; Breitung, Jörg
2003Money in a New-Keynesian model estimated with German dataWerner, Thomas; Lombardo, Giovanni; Kremer, Jana
2003The international integration of foreign exchange markets in the central and east European accession countries: speculative efficiency, transaction costs and exchange rate premiumsHerrmann, Sabine; Jochem, Axel
2003Testing mean-variance efficiency in CAPM with possibly non-gaussian errors: an exact simulation-based approachDufour, Jean-Marie; Beaulieu, Marie-Claude; Khalaf, Lynda
2003On the Stability of Different Financial SystemsFecht, Falko
2003The international integration of money markets in the central and east European accession countries: deviations from covered interest parity, capital controls and inefficiencies in the financial sectorJochem, Axel; Herrmann, Sabine
2003The stock return-inflation puzzle and the asymmetric causality in stock returns, inflation and real activityKim, Jeong-Ryeol
2003Die internationale Integration der Geldmärkte in den mittel- und osteuropäischen Beitrittsländern: Abweichungen von der gedeckten Zinsparität, Kapitalverkehrskontrollen und Ineffizienzen des FinanzsektorsHerrmann, Sabine; Jochem, Axel
2003Multiple equilibrium overnight rates in a dynamic interbank market gameTapking, Jens
2003Active monetary policy, passive fiscal policy and the value of public debt: some further monetarist arithmeticvon Thadden, Leopold
2003Determinants of German Foreign Direct Investment in Latin American and Asian Emerging Markets in the 1990sWezel, Torsten
2003Die internationale Intregration der Devisenmärkte in den mittel- und osteuropäischen Beitrittsländern: Spekulative Effizienz, Transaktionskosten und WechselkursprämienHerrmann, Sabine; Jochem, Axel
2002Dependencies between European stock markets when price changes are unusually largeSchich, Sebastian T.
2002Further Evidence On The Relationship Between Firm Investment And Financial Statusvon Kalckreuth, Ulf; Chirinko, Robert S.
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 301 bis 320 von 426
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