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PhD Series No. 207
University of Copenhagen, Department of Economics, Copenhagen
This PhD dissertation consists of four self-contained chapters in the field of development economics. The topic of the first three chapters is human capital in East Africa, whereas the topic of the fourth chapter is measurement of sub-national state capacity. The first chapter studies the effect on exam scores from attending private school relative to attending public school in Tanzania. I compare secondary school exam scores for students who went to the same primary school, in the same cohort, and achieved the same primary school exam scores, but one went on to public secondary school and the other to private secondary school. The second chapter studies the effect of private schools at the district level. Based on data from Kenya, we analyse whether an increase in the share of children enrolled in private schools affect average performance in cognitive tests. The third chapter evaluates the impacts on enrolment and learning from a reform eliminating secondary school fees in Tanzania. The fourth and final chapter develops a method for measuring state capacity at a local level in Sub-Saharan Africa. This measure is used to test whether areas with high predicted state capacity have lower risk of armed conflict relative to areas with low predicted state capacity.
Doctoral Thesis

10.45 MB

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