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Year of Publication: 
Series/Report no.: 
PhD Series No. 214
University of Copenhagen, Department of Economics, Copenhagen
This dissertation contains three self-contained chapters. They are united by the dynamic economic models that are either studied theoretically or applied empirically. The first two were written in collaboration with co-authors. The first chapter is about the theoretical properties of the value function when solving discrete time, discrete choice dynamic programming problems using sieves to approximate the value function. The second chapter is about the incentives and dynamics that governs students' progression and work choices. Using a dynamic structural model we explore behavior of university students in Denmark and look into why students generally do not finish on time. We use the model to evaluate a number of counter factual policies affecting university students. The third chapter derives equilibrium conditions for directional dynamic games and shows how to solve them using homotopy continuation methods for systems of multivariate polynomials in the complete information formulation of the games and interval arithmetic for the incomplete information games.
Document Type: 
Doctoral Thesis

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