African Economic History Working Paper Series, African Economic History Network (AEHN)

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 41 bis 60 von 78
2018Economic Inequality in Ghana, 1891-1960Young Aboagye, Prince; Bolt, Jutta
2018Tax Stabilisation, Trade and Political Transitions in Francophone West Africa over 120 YearsAndersson, Jens
2017The Land-Labour Hypothesis Revised: Wealth, Labour and Household Composition at the South African FrontierCilliers, Jeanne; Green, Erik
2017Income Inequality in Colonial Africa: Building Social Tables for Pre-Independence Central African Republic, Ivory Coast and SenegalAlfani, Guido; Tadei, Federico
2017Social Mobility among Christian Africans: Evidence from Anglican Marriage Registers in Uganda, 1895-2011Meier zu Selhausen, Felix; van Leeuwen, Marco H. D.; Wiesdorf, Jacob L.
2017The Gun-Slave Hypothesis and the 18th Century British Slave TradeWhatley, Warren C.
2017African Socialism; or the Search for an Indigenous Model of Economic DevelopmentAkyeampong, Emmanuel
2016Gender, ethnicity and unequal opportunity in colonial Uganda: European influences, African realities, and the pitfalls of church record datade Haas, Michiel; Frankema, Ewout
2016Patronage or Meritocracy? Public sector employment in postcolonial Kenya, Tanzania and UgandaSimson, Rebecca
2016From Coercion to Compensation: Institutional Responses to Labour Scarcity in the Central African CopperbeltJuif, Dacil; Frankema, Ewout
2016Capitalism in pre-colonial Africa: a reviewJerven, Morten
2016Historical patterns of economic growth in Africa: a reviewJerven, Morten
2016Commodities, Prices and Risk: The Changing Market for Non-Slave Products in Pre-Abolition West AfricaDalrymple-Smith, Angus; Woltjer, Pieter
2016"For the Public Benefit" Railways in the British Cape ColonyHerranz-Loncán, Alfonso; Fourie, Johan
2016The Development of Settler Agriculture in British Africa Revisited: Estimating the Role of Tenant Labour in Southern Rhodesia, c. 1920-1960Green, Erik
2015Colonial Origins of the Threefold Reality of Mozambique: fiscal capacity and labour systemsAlexopoulou, Kleoniki; Juif, Dacil
2015Financing the African Colonial State: The Revenue Imperative and Forced Labourvan Waijenburg, Marlous
2015Is Africa too late for 'late development'? Gerschenkron south of the SaharaAustin, Gareth
2015Fiscal Capacity and State Formation in Francophone West Africa, 1850-2010Andersson, Jens
2014Success and Failure of European Settler Farming in Colonial AfricaFrankema, Ewout; Green, Erik; Hillbom, Ellen
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 41 bis 60 von 78