Working Papers, Örebro University School of Business

ISSN: 1403-0586

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 211
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2020Can Households Predict where the Macroeconomy is Headed?Kladivko, Kamil; Österholm, Pär
2020Flexible Fat-tailed Vector AutoregressionKarlsson, Sune; Mazur, Stepan
2020Business Angels and Firm Performance: First Evidence from Population DataAndersson, Fredrik W.; Lodefalk, Magnus
2020The WTO Reference Paper meets EU common regulatory policy in CETAKyvik Nordås, Hildegunn
2019An Iterative Approach to Ill-Conditioned Optimal Portfolio SelectionGulliksson, Mårten; Mazur, Stepan
2019Which firms employ older workers?Andrén, Daniela; Mudenda, Lackson Daniel; Pettersson, Nicklas
2019The Relation between Municipal and Government Bond Yields in an Era of Unconventional Monetary PolicyKnezevic, David; Nordström, Martin; Österholm, Pär
2019Heterogeneity in Households' Expectations of Housing Prices – Evidence from Micro DataHjalmarsson, Erik; Österholm, Pär
2019Regional employment effects of MNE offshoringEliasson, Kent; Hansson, Pär; Lindvert, Markus
2019Mitigating Information Frictions in Trade: Evidence from Export Credit GuaranteesAgarwal, Natasha; Lodefalk, Magnus; Tang, Aili; Tano, Sofia; Wang, Zheng
2019Linear Fractional Stable Motion with the RLFSM R PackageMazur, Stepan; Otryakhin, Dmitry
2019Outsourcing Public Services: Contractibility, Cost, and QualityAndersson, Fredrik; Jordahl, Henrik; Josephson, Jens
2019New ways to measure well-being? A first joint analysis of subjective and objective measuresAndrén, Daniela; Clark, Andrew E.; D'Ambrosio, Conchita; Karlsson, Sune; Pettersson, Nicklas
2019The Relation between the Corporate Bond-Yield Spread and the Real Economy: Stable or TimeVarying?Karlsson, Sune; Österholm, Pär
2019The Effects of Social Media Use on the Well-Being of Users. The Wonderland of HaikuJAMAndrén, Daniela
2019Market Participants' Forecasts of Financial Variables – Can Survey Data Outperform the Random Walk?Kladivko, Kamil; Österholm, Pär
2019A Guarantee – Does the Obligee Agree? A Risk Premium Decomposition of Sub-Sovereign Bond SpreadsKnezevic, David; Krüger, Niclas A.; Nordström, Martin
2019Trade and jobs: a description of Swedish labor market dynamicsKyvik Nordås, Hildegunn; Lodefalk, Magnus; Tang, Aili
2019Is Prevention of Suicide Worth Less? -A Comparison of the Value per Statistical LifeVimefall, Elin; Persson, Mattias; Olofsson, Sara; Hultkrantz, Lars
2018Decomposing value chains within Swedish multinationalsEliasson, Kent; Hansson, Pär; Lindvert, Markus
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 211