KBA Centre for Research on Financial Markets and Policy® Working Paper Series, Kenya Bankers Association (KBA)

ISSN: n.a.

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About the KBA Centre for Research on Financial Markets and Policy®

The Kenya Bankers Association Centre for Research on Financial Markets and Policy® was established in 2012 to offer an array of research, commentary, and dialogue regarding critical policy matters that impact on financial markets in Kenya. The Centre sponsors original research, provides thoughtful commentary, and hosts dialogues and conferences involving scholars and practitioners on key financial market issues. Through these activities, the Centre acts as a platform for intellectual engagement and dialogue between financial market experts, the banking sector and the policy makers. It therefore contributes to an informed discussion that influences critical financial market debates and policies.

The Kenya Bankers Association (KBA) Working Papers Series (WPS) disseminates research findings of studies conducted by the Centre. The Working Papers constitute “Work-in-Progress” and are published to stimulate discussion and contribute to the advancement of the banking industry’s knowledge on matters of markets, economic outcomes, and policy. Constructive feedback on the Working Papers is welcome.

The Working Papers are published in the names of the author(s). Therefore, their views do not necessarily represent those of the KBA.

The entire content of this publication is protected by copyright laws. Reproduction in part or whole requires express written consent from the publisher.

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2024Are gender-diverse banks less risk-averse? Evidence from the Kenyan commercial banksOchenge, Rogers
2024Implications of macroeconomic stabilization policies on financial intermediationKimani, Stephanie
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2024Fiscal and monetary policy interaction during economic shocks: A wedge or bridge for bank profitability?Osoro, Jared; Cheruiyot, Kiplangat Josea
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2024Bank performance and real sector productivity in East AfricaKodongo, Odongo
2024Heterogeneity in bank responsiveness to policy and economic shocks: The role of capitalizationKimundi, Gillian
2024Analysis of drivers of customer satisfaction to inform customer centricity: Banking sector perspectivesMulindi, Hillary; Nyagaka, Hesborn N.; Cheruiyot, Kiplangat Josea; Onyango, Christine; Tiriongo, Samuel
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2023Sustainable financing, climate change risks and bank stability in KenyaOdongo, Maureen; Misati, Roseline Nyakerario; Kageha, Caren; Wamalwa, Peter Simiyu
2023The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on bank lending: A sectoral analysisKimani, Stephanie
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2023Bank credit portfolio allocation in pre and post Covid times: The power of inherent risksNdwiga, David M.
2023Fintech and bank stability in a small-open economy context: The case of KenyaOsoro, Jared; Cheruiyot, Kiplangat Josea
2023Climate change and banking sector (in)stability in Kenya: A vulnerability assessmentKimundi, Gillian; Wambui, Reuben
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 85
Auch gelistet in RePEc / EconPapers