[Editor:] Meuwissen, Miranda P. M. [Editor:] Feindt, Peter H. [Editor:] Garrido, Alberto [Editor:] Mathijs, Erik [Editor:] Soriano, Bárbara [Editor:] Urquhart, Julie [Editor:] Spiegel, Alisa [Title:] Resilient and sustainable farming systems in Europe: Exploring diversity and pathways [ISBN:] 978-1-009-09356-9 [Publisher:] Cambridge University Press [Place:] Cambridge [Year:] 2022 [Pages:] 1-17
Accumulating shocks and long-term stresses, such as trade conflicts, climate change and deteriorating public trust in agricultural practices have raised concerns about the resilience of Europe's diverse farming systems. The SURE-Farm approach aims to systematically assess the resilience capacities of farming systems, i.e. regional constellations of farms and other actors that provide a range of private and public goods, using local resources and traded inputs. This chapter introduces the key concepts and outlines the SURE-Farm approach to assess the resilience challenges and capacities of farming systems. It sets the scene for the empirical analyses and synthesizing assessments presented in the following chapters.