Columbia FDI Perspectives, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI), Columbia University

ISSN: 2158-3579

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 387
2023Rethinking umbrella clauses in international investment agreementsChaisse, Julien
2023Outward FDI and home country employmentCrescenzi, Riccardo; Ganau, Roberto; Storper, Michael
2023Subsidies as a regulatory object: From trade subsidies to outward FDI subsidiesHuang, Keer
2023Settlement of investor-state disputes: Can states avoid arbitration?Cannatà, Isabella; Loschi, Riccardo
2023Learning from Brexit: What parallels for decoupling from China?Hufbauer, Gary Clyde
2023Ethical and legal implications of FDI in or near cultural heritage sitesMak, Charles Ho Wang
2023Governments and companies must address climate and governance risks when petroleum assets change handsWoodroffe, Nicola; Westenberg, Erica
2023An opportunity to reimagine investment arbitration in BeijingFeldman, Mark
2023How to make global supply chains more resilientGereffi, Gary
2023Hardening soft law: Strategic use of the OECD Guidelines to achieve meaningful outcomesIngrams, Marian; Booth, Katharine
2023CFIUS part II? The US moves to restrict outbound FDI to ChinaEgan, Brian J.; Clarke, Katie
2023Reducing the reliance on global value chains by strengthening backward linkagesAbamu, Bamituni Etomi
2023The limits of capacity building for investment contract negotiationsSauvant, Karl P.; Tsang, Vanessa S. W.; Wells, Louis T.
2023How to get the best deal for massive FDI incentivesSauvant, Karl P.; Zimny, Zbigniew
2023Unexpected opportunities to support investor-state dispute prevention through the WTO Investment Facilitation for Development AgreementCalamita, Jansen
2023What can governments do to boost FDI for sustainable development?Wermelinger, Martin
2023Mind the force majeure clauses in investment contractsWang, Lu; Shan, Wenhua
202330 years after the fall of Communism: Lessons learned for inward FDIZimny, Zbigniew
2023Indirect FDI under EU FDI regulation in times of war: Is the anti-circumvention clause enough?Di Benedetto, Fabrizio
2023Developing country and industry materiality assessments to increase sustainable FDIDullabh, Nitesh
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 387
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