Columbia FDI Perspectives, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI), Columbia University

ISSN: 2158-3579

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 221 bis 240 von 388
2016Can host countries have legitimate expectations?Sauvant, Karl P.; Ünüvar, Güneş
2016The rise of self-judging essential security interest clauses in international investment agreementsSauvant, Karl P.; Ong, Mevelyn
2016Why some advanced economy firms prefer to be taken over by Chinese acquirersKnoerich, Jan
2016Broadening the Global Compact agendaSchwieder, Robbie
2016Untangling the effects of "special purpose entities" on global FDINougayrède, Delphine
2015Host governments should not treat state-owned enterprises differently than other foreign investorsGloberman, Steven
2015Toward arbitration between subnational units and foreign investors?Côté, Charles-Emmanuel
2015The other side of transparencyNappert, Sophie
2015Cost allocation in ICSID arbitration: theory and (mis)applicationHodgson, Matthew
2015The escape motivation of emerging market multinational enterprisesCuervo-Cazurra, Alvaro; Ramamurti, Ravi
2015When is investor-state dispute settlement appropriate to resolve investment disputes? An idea for a rule-of-law ratings mechanismGaffney, John P.
2015Brazil's bilateral investment treaties: More than a new investment treaty model?Perrone, Nicolás M.; de Cerqueira César, Gustavo Rojas
2015The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, investor-state dispute settlement and ChinaBerger, Axel; Skovgaard Poulsen, Lauge N.
2015Legitimizing expectations in arbitration through political risk analysisGinsburg, Robert
2015A reading of intra-EU BITs in light of recent developments of EU lawXheraj, Blerina
2015Africa rising out of itself: The growth of intra-African FDIKrüger, Ralf; Strauss, Ilan
2015Outward FDI does not necessarily cost domestic employment of MNEs at home: Evidence from Japanese MNEsLee, In Hyeock; Makino, Shige; Hong, Eunsuk
2015Toward balanced Arab regional investment regulationsHussein, Moataz
2015The Trans-Pacific Partnership investment chapter sets a new worldwide standardHodgson, Mélida
2015The case for harmonizing the international regulation of miningMilbourne, Robert
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 221 bis 240 von 388
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