Columbia FDI Perspectives, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI), Columbia University

ISSN: 2158-3579

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 261 bis 280 von 388
2014Good governance of third party fundingKessedjian, Catherine
2014The "spaghetti bowl" of IIAs: The end of history?Karl, Joachim
2014Government-held equity in foreign investment projects: Good for host countries?Wells, Louis T.
2014The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: A critical perspectiveGeiger, Rainer
2014ICSID, public opinion and the effect of (hypothetical) elite messagingGuisinger, Alexandra; Anderson, Alisha
2014Withdrawing incentives to attract FDI: Can host countries put the genie back in the bottle?De Luca, Anna
2014Germany, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and investment-dispute settlement: Observations on a paradoxLorz, Ralph Alexander
2014The crucial role of infrastructure in attracting FDIDonaubauer, Julian; Meyer, Birgit; Nunnenkamp, Peter
2014Recalibrating interpretive authorityRoberts, Anthea
2014The China-United States BIT negotiations: A Chinese perspectiveZhang, Sheng
2014Regional concentration of FDI involves trade-offs in post-reform IndiaNunnenkamp, Peter; Liu, Wan-Hsin; Bickenbach, Frank
2014Cost allocation in investment arbitration: Forward toward incentivizationNicholson, James; Gaffney, John
2014How to enhance labor provisions in IIAsTamayo-Álvarez, Rafael; Gonzalez-Perez, Maria Alejandra; Rodriguez-Rios, Juan David
2014The rise of FDI income, and what it means for the balance of payments of developing countriesPérez Ludeña, Miguel
2014Multilateral investment disciplines: Don't forget the GATS!Adlung, Rudolf
2014The Transparency Rules and Transparency Convention: A good start and model for broader reform in investor-state arbitrationJohnson, Lise
2014The China-EU BIT: The emerging 'Global BIT 2.0'?Shan, Wenhua; Wang, Lu
2013Infrastructure for ore: Benefits and costs of a not-so-original ideaWells, Louis T.
2013The Arab Awakening, act II: Time to move more boldly on investmentO'Sullivan, Anthony; Böhmer, Alexander
2013Three challenges for China's outward FDI policySauvant, Karl P.
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 261 bis 280 von 388
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