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Series/Report no.: 
SWP Comment No. 31/2021
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin
Under the narrative of 'Global Britain', the United Kingdom (UK) aims to position itself after Brexit as an independent leading power with global reach. The Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy, published in March 2021, seeks to implement this goal. By making the G7 and COP26 presidencies in 2021 a success and by increasing its defence spending, London wants to show what Global Britain means in practice, while also convincing the new US administration of its stra­tegic value. With regard to the European Union (EU), however, the Johnson govern­ment rejects institutionalised cooperation in foreign and security policy and prefers flexible formats with individual EU states. This presents Germany with a dilemma: On the one hand, it wants to involve London in European foreign and security policy, but on the other hand, this involvement must not be at the expense of the EU and European unity. In view of the currently strained EU-UK relationship, institutional­ised cooperation only seems possible in the long term. In the medium term, the focus should be on informal bilateral and multilateral formats.
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Research Report

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