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Series/Report no.: 
PIDS Discussion Paper Series No. 2022-07
Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS), Quezon City
This is an attempt to quantify government's performance in empowering small farmers and fishers following the provisions of AFMA. It establishes four dimensions of empowerment that may be used to measure empowerment and presents some evidence of how government has performed under each of these dimensions. It concludes that government has been on track in following AFMA's prescriptions for SFF empowerment but that its efforts are coming too little, too late although there are strong indications that such effort can be upscaled and can still achieve the empowerment objectives of AFMA if the government can undertake certain shortterm and long-term policy measures.
empowerment of small farmers and fishers
access to public resources
organizing capability
voice in policymaking
economic well-being
pursue F2C2 program
management capability of agricoops
inter-agency collaboration in empowering SFF
commercialization of small farms
agricultural cooperatives law
developing the youth in agriculture
Document Type: 
Working Paper

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