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Results 71-80 of 554.
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2022Multiple Pricing for Personal Assistance ServicesAndersson, Tommy; Ellegård, Lina Maria; Enache, Andreea; Erlanson, Albin; Thami, Prakriti
2000Productivity shocks, monetary shocks, and the short- and long-run dynamics of exchange rates and relative pricesBergman, Michael; Cheung, Yin-Wong; Lai, Kon S.
2013Forgetting to Remember or Remembering to Forget - A Study of the Recall Period Length in Health Care Survey QuestionsKjellsson, Gustav; Clarke, Philip; Gerdtham, Ulf-G.
2018The Effect of a Sibling's Gender on Earnings, Education and Family FormationPeter, Noemi; Lundborg, Petter; Mikkelsen, Sara; Webbink, Dinand
2016Cross-Commodity News Transmission and Volatility Spillovers in the German Energy MarketsGreen, Rikard; Larsson, Karl; Lunina, Veronika; Nilsson, Birger
2017How Tolerant Should Inflation-Targeting Central Banks Be? Selecting the Proper Tolerance Band - Lessons from SwedenAndersson, Fredrik N. G.; Jonung, Lars
2013Strategic Self-IgnoranceThunström, Linda; Nordström, Jonas; Shogren, Jason F.; Ehmke, Mariah; van 't Veld, Klaas
2016Joint Modelling of Power Price, Temperature, and Hydrological Balance with a View towards Scenario AnalysisLunina, Veronika
2018Information, Switching Costs, and Consumer Choice: Evidence from Two Randomized Field Experiments in Swedish Primary Health CareAnell, Anders; Dietrichson, Jens; Ellegård, Lina Maria; Kjellsson, Gustav
2013Valuation of Health Inputs and Convenience in New ProductsNordström, Jonas