Working Papers, George J. Stigler Center for the Study of the Economy and the State, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 338
2024From gridlock to polarizationJacob, Marc S.; Lee, Barton E.; Gratton, Gabriele
2024The rise of private equity continuation fundsKastiel, Kobi; Nili, Yaron
2024Racial disparities in the U.S. mortgage marketHurtado, Agustin; Sakong, Jung
2024Minority representation at workBreuer, Matthias; Cai, Wei; Le, Anthony; Vetter, Felix
2024When does mandatory price disclosure lower prices? Evidence from the German fuel marketMontag, Felix; Sagimuldina, Alina; Winter, Christoph
2023How pervasive is corporate fraud?Dyck, Alexander; Morse, Adair; Zingales, Luigi
2023Imperfect price information, market power, and tax pass-throughMontag, Felix; Mamrak, Robin; Sagimuldina, Alina; Schnitzer, Monika
2023Corporate political activism and information transfersChristensen, Dane M.; Jin, Hengda; Lee, Joshua A.; Sridharan, Suhas A.; Wellman, Laura A.
2023Kin in the game: How family ties help firms overcome campaign finance regulationBalán, Pablo; Dodyk, Juan; Puente, Ignacio
2023The complexity yield puzzle: A textual analysis of municipal bond disclosuresFarrell, Michael; Murphy, Dermot; Painter, Marcus; Zhang, Guangli
2023Common ownership in fintech marketsTzanaki, Anna; Alekseeva, Liudmila; Azar, José
2023Audit mandates, audit firms, and auditorsBreuer, Matthias; Le, Anthony; Vetter, Felix
2023Quantifying the impact of red tape on investment: A survey date approachPellegrino, Bruno; Zheng, Geoffery
2023When product markets become collective traps: The case of social mediaBursztyn, Leonardo; Handel, Benjamin R.; Jiménez Durán, Rafael; Roth, Christopher
2023Antitrust enforcement increases economic activityBabina, Tania; Barkai, Simcha; Jeffers, Jessica; Karger, Ezra; Volkova, Ekaterina
2023Destabilizing digital "bank walks"Koont, Naz; Santos, Tano; Zingales, Luigi
2023Mergers, foreign competition, and jobs: Evidence from the U.S. appliance industryMontag, Felix
2023The socio political demography of happinessPeltzman, Sam
2023Organizational capacity and project dynamicsFoarta, Dana; Ting, Michael M.
2022Private sanctionsHart, Oliver D.; Thesmar, David; Zingales, Luigi
Collection's Items (Sorted by Titel in absteigend order): 1 to 20 of 338
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