Working Papers, George J. Stigler Center for the Study of the Economy and the State, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 338
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
201870 Years of US Corporate ProfitsBarkai, Simcha; Benzell, Seth G.
2018The "People's Bridge":Popular Sovereignty and the Charles River Bridge CaseAtkinson, Evelyn
2018Does Fiscal Monitoring Make Better Governments? Evidence from US MunicipalitiesNakhmurina, Anya
2018What Insights Do Taxi Rides Offer into Federal Reserve Leakage?Finer, David Andrew
2018Is Aggregate Market Power Increasing? Production Trends Using Financial StatementsTraina, James
2018Depositors Disciplining Banks: The Impact of ScandalsHomanen, Mikael
2018Tax-Exempt Lobbying: Corporate Philanthropy as a Tool for Political InfluenceBertrand, Marianne; Bombardini, Matilde; Fisman, Raymond; Trebbi, Francesco
2018The Cost of Convenience: Ridesharing and Traffic FatalitiesBarrios, John M.; Hochberg, Yael V.; Yi, Hanyi
2018The Impact of Restricting Labor Mobility on Corporate Investment and EntrepreneurshipJeffers, Jessica S.
2018The Economic Limits of Bitcoin and the BlockchainBudish, Eric B.
2018Special Interest Influence under Direct versus Representative DemocracyMatsusaka, John G.
2018The Politics of Blood Safety Regulation in China: The Blood Plasma Economy and the Making of China's Blood Safety Regulatory RegimeYang, Dali L.
2018Do Marginal Products Differ from User Costs? Micro-Level Evidence from Italian FirmsLenzu, Simone; Manaresi, Francesco
2017Public Policy and the Initiative and Referendum: A Survey with Some New EvidenceMatsusaka, John G.
2017Companies Should Maximize Shareholder Welfare Not Market ValueHart, Oliver D.; Zingales, Luigi
2017When Do Legislators Follow Constituent Opinion? Evidence from Matched Roll Call and Referendum VotesMatsusaka, John G.
2017Political Determinants of Competition in the Mobile Telecommunication IndustryFaccio, Mara; Zingales, Luigi
2017Diagnosing the Italian DiseasePellegrino, Bruno; Zingales, Luigi
2017How Does Financial-Reporting Regulation Affect Market-Wide Resource Allocation?Breuer, Matthias
2017Capitalists in the Twenty-First CenturySmith, Matthew; Yagan, Danny; Zidar, Owen M.; Zwick, Eric
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 338
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