WTO Staff Working Papers, Economic Research and Statistics Division, WTO

ISSN: 2518-9808

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 61 bis 80 von 310
2019Elevating services: Services trade policy, WTO commitments, and their role in economic development and trade integrationRoy, Martin
2019The welfare effects of trade policy experiments in quantitative trade models: The role of solution methods and baseline calibrationBekkers, Eddy
2019How do natural disasters affect services trade?Xu, Ankai; Kouwoaye, Amèvi Rocard
2019Trade policies supporting women's economic empowerment: Trends in WTO membersDer Boghossian, Anoush
2019Product patents and access to innovative medicines in a post-trips-eraWatal, Jayashree; Dai, Rong
2019The WTO Global Trade Model: Technical documentationAguiar, Angel; Corong, Erwin L.; van der Mensbrugghe, Dominique; Bekkers, Eddy; Koopman, Robert Bernard; Teh, Robert
2019On the effects of GATT/WTO membership on trade: They are positive and large after allLarch, Mario; Monteiro, José-Antonio; Piermartini, Roberta; Yotov, Yoto V.
2019Potential economic effects of a global trade conflict: Projecting the medium-run effects with the WTO global trade modelBekkers, Eddy; Teh, Robert
2019International health worker mobility and trade in servicesCarzaniga, Antonia Giulia; Dhillon, Ibadat S.; Magdeleine, Joscelyn; Xu, Lihui
2019How WTO commitments tame uncertaintyJakubik, Adam; Piermartini, Roberta
2019Women's economic empowerment: An inherent part of Aid for TradeDer Boghossian, Anoush
2019Distance, formal and informal institutions in international tradeLanz, Rainer; Lee, Woori; Stolzenburg, Victor
2019Footloose global value chains: How trade costs make a differenceJakubik, Adam; Stolzenburg, Victor
2019Applied services trade policy: A guide to the Services Trade Policy Database and the Services Trade Restrictions IndexBorchert, Ingo; Gootiiz, Batshur; Magdeleine, Joscelyn; Marchetti, Juan A.; Mattoo, Aaditya; Rubio, Ester; Shannon, Evgeniia
2018WTO trade monitoring ten years on: Lessons learned and challenges aheadBogetoft Pedersen, Peter; Diakantoni, Antonia; Pérez del Castillo, Carlos; Mkhitarian, Amaliia
2018Digital connectivity & e-commerce: Overview of financing flows and examples of aid for trade supportMbise, Theo; Taal, Sainabou; Roberts, Michael; Lammersen, Frans
2018How regional trade agreements deal with disputes concerning their TBT provisions?Molina, Ana Cristina; Khoroshavina, Vira
2018Gender-related provisions in regional trade agreementsMonteiro, José-Antonio
2018Competition agency guidelines and policy initiatives regarding the application of competition law vis-à-vis intellectual property: An analysis of jurisdictional approaches and emerging directionsAnderson, Robert D.; Chen, Jianning; Müller, Anna Caroline; Novozhilkina, Daria; Pelletier, Philippe; Sen, Nivedita; Sporysheva, Nadezhda
2018Investment provisions in preferential trade agreements: Evolution and current trendsCrawford, Jo-Ann; Kotschwar, Barbara
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 61 bis 80 von 310
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