WTO Staff Working Papers, Economic Research and Statistics Division, WTO

ISSN: 2518-9808

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 81 bis 100 von 310
2018Specialization within global value chains: The role of additive transport costsLanz, Rainer; Piermartini, Roberta
2018Addressing tensions and avoiding disputes: Specific trade concerns in the TBT CommitteeHolzer, Kateryna
2018E-commerce and developing country-SME participation in global value chainsLanz, Rainer; Lundquist, Kathryn; Mansio, Grégoire; Maurer, Andreas; Teh, Robert
2018Competition policy, trade and the global economy: Existing WTO elements, commitments in regional trade agreements, current challenges and issues for reflectionAnderson, Robert D.; Kovacic, William E.; Müller, Anna Caroline; Sporysheva, Nadezhda
2018The "China shock" revisited: Insights from value added trade flowsJakubik, Adam; Stolzenburg, Victor
2018Recent trade dynamics in Asia: Examples from specific industriesAuboin, Marc; Borino, Floriana
2018How does the regular work of WTO influence regional trade agreements?McDaniels, Devin; Molina, Ana Cristina; Wijkström, Erik
2018Can economic sanctions be effective?Smeets, Maarten
2017Accumulating trade costs and competitiveness in global value chainsDiakantoni, Antonia; Escaith, Hubert; Roberts, Michael; Verbeet, Thomas
2017The revised WTO Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA): Key design features and significance for global trade and developmentAnderson, Robert D.; Müller, Anna Caroline
2017Trade issues affecting disaster responseRoberts, Michael; Mohammed, Nazia
2017Least-developed countries, transfer of technology and the TRIPS AgreementWatal, Jayashree; Caminero, Leticia
2017Georgia's post-accession structural reform challengesArveladze, G.; Smeets, Maarten
2017Plurilateral trade agreements: An escape route for the WTO?Adlung, Rudolf; Mamdouh, Hamid
2017The contribution of services trade policies to connectivity in the context of aid for tradeRoy, Martin
2017The application of competition policy vis-à-vis intellectual property rights: The evolution of thought underlying policy changeAnderson, Robert D.; Kovacic, William E.
2017An empirical assessment of the economic effects of WTO accession and its commitmentsChemutai, Vicky; Escaith, Hubert
2017Does trade openness contribute to driving financing flows for development?Brun, Jean-François; Gnangnon, Sèna Kimm
2017Trade, technology, and prosperity: An account of evidence from a labor-market perspectiveMuendler, Marc-Andreas
2017Interplay between patents and standards in the information and communication technology (ICT) sector and its relevance to the implementation of the WTO AgreementsWu, Xiaoping
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 81 bis 100 von 310
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