Working Papers, Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB)

ISSN: 2310-533X

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 237
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2002Growth, Convergence and EU MembershipCuaresma, Jesus Crespo; Dimitz, Maria Antoinette; Ritzberger-Grünwald, Doris
2002Credit Channel and Investment Behavior in Austria: A Micro-Econometric ApproachValderrama, Maria Teresa
2002The Great Exchange Rate Debate after ArgentinaEdwards, Sebastian
2002Evaluating Density Forecasts with an Application to Stock Market Returnsde Raaij, Gabriela; Raunig, Burkhard
2002EMU and Accession Countries: Fuzzy Cluster Analysis of MembershipBoreiko, Dimitri
2002Fiscal and Monetary Policy Coordination in EMUvon Hagen, Jürgen; Mundschenk, Susanne
2002Monetary Union: European Lessons, Latin American ProspectsHochreiter, Eduard; Schmidt-Hebbel, Klaus; Winckler, Georg
2002The Empirical Performance of Option Based Densities of Foreign ExchangeCraig, Ben R.; Keller, Joachim G.
2002Central European EU Accession and Latin American Integration: Mutual Lessons in Macro-Economic Policy DesignKopits, George
2002Does Central Bank Intervention Influence the Probability of a Speculative Attack? Evidence from the EMSStix, Helmut
2002Monetary Integration in the Southern Cone: Mercosur is not like the EU?Belke, Ansgar; Gros, Daniel
2002Risk Assessment for Banking SystemsElsinger, Helmut; Lehar, Alfred; Summer, Martin
2002Dollarization and Economic Performance: What Do We Really Know?Edwards, Sebastian; Magendzo, I. Igal
2002Why did Central Banks Intervene in the EMS? The Post 1993 ExperienceBrandner, Peter; Grech, Harald
2002Forecasting Austrian HICP and its Components using VAR and ARIMA ModelsFritzer, Friedrich; Moser, Gabriel; Scharler, Johann
2002The Federal Design of a Central Bank in Monetary Union: The Case of the European System of Central BanksEijffinger, Sylvester C.W.
2002Asymmetries in Bank Lending Behaviour. - Austria During the 1990sKaufmann, Sylvia
2002Wage Formation in Open Economies and the Role of Monetary and Wage-Setting InstitutionsKnell, Markus
2002The Potential Consequences of Alternative Exchange Rate Regimes: A Study of Three Candidate RegionsHochreiter, Eduard; Korinek, Anton; Siklos, Pierre L.
2002An Evaluation of Monetary Regime Options for Latin AmericaBerg, Andrew; Borensztein, Eduardo; Mauro, Paolo
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 237