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Results 131-140 of 164.
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2024A Reproduction of "Do Female Officers Police Differently? Evidence from Traffic Stops" (American Journal of Political Science, 2021)Yang, Dianyi; Huang, Leike
2024Understanding Cultural Persistence and Change: A Replication of Giuliano and Nunn (2021)Bertoli, Simone; Clerc, Melchior; Loper, Jordan; Roca Fernández, Èric
2024A Comment on Bai, Jia &, Yang (2023) Web of Power: How Elite Networks Shaped War and Politics in ChinaBuchot, Tom; Couttenier, Mathieu; Laugerette, Lucile; Mougin, Elisa; Verlet, Alexandre
2024When Do Politicians Appeal More Broadly? A Comment on Chin (2023)Krūminas, Pijus; Čepėnas, Simonas; Darškuvienė, Valdonė
2024Robustness Reproducibility of "Improving Workplace Climate in Large Corporations: A Clustered Randomized Intervention"Hallman, Alice; Johannesson, Magnus; Kujansuu, Essi
2024Replication Study of Cook et al (2023): The Evolution of Access to Public Accomodations in the United StatesZahra, Tahreen; Beland, Louis-Philippe
2023A comment on Xu (2022). Reshaping Global Trade: The Immediate and Long-Term Effects of Bank FailuresBérard, Guillaume; Freitas, Dimitria; Verma, Priyam
2024A Comment on "Influence Motives in Social Signaling: Evidence from COVID-19 Vaccinations in Germany"Collins, Jason; Denham, Amanda Baptista; Du, Zhuoran; Waller, David
2024Long-Term Effects of the Targeting the Ultra-Poor Program - A Reproducibility and Replicability Assessment of Banerjee et al. (2021)Rose, Julian; Neubauer, Florian; Ankel-Peters, Jörg
2024Computational and Robustness Reproducibility of "UN Peacekeeping and Democratization in Conflict-Affected Countries"Oswald, Christian; Walterskirchen, Julian