Public Policy Discussion Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 78
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2013When does delinquency result in neglect? Mortgage distress and property maintenanceLambie-Hanson, Lauren
2013Wealth shocks and macroeconomic dynamicsCooper, Daniel; Dynan, Karen
2013Security of retail payments: The new strategic objectiveStavins, Joanna
2013The Credit CARD Act of 2009: What did banks do?Jambulapati, Vikram; Stavins, Joanna
2013Economic distress and resurgence in US central cities: Concepts, causes, and policy leversKodrzycki, Yolanda K.; Muñoz, Ana Patricia
2013The role of proximity in foreclosure externalities: Evidence from condominiumsFisher, Lynn M.; Lambie-Hanson, Lauren; Willen, Paul S.
2013Changes in US household balance sheet behavior after the housing bust and Great Recession: Evidence from panel dataCooper, Daniel
2013The role of banks in the transmission of monetary policyPeek, Joe; Rosengren, Eric S.
2013Is monetary policy overburdened?Orphanides, Athanasios
2012Shifting confidence in homeownership: The great recessionBracha, Anat; Jamison, Julian C.
2012Who gains and who loses from the 2011 debit card interchange fee reform?Shy, Oz
2012Effects of credit scores on consumer payment choiceHayashi, Fumiko; Stavins, Joanna
2012Why don't most merchants use price discounts to steer consumer payment choice?Briglevics, Tamás; Shy, Oz
2012Labor-market polarization over the business cycleFoote, Christopher L.; Ryan, Richard W.
2012The supplemental security income program and welfare reformSchmidt, Lucie
2012A psychological perspective of financial panicBracha, Anat; Weber, Elke U.
2012Payment size, negative equity, and mortgage defaultFuster, Andreas; Willen, Paul S.
2012Foreclosure externalities: Some new evidenceGerardi, Kristopher S.; Rosenblatt, Eric; Willen, Paul S.; Yao, Vincent W.
2012Why did so many people make so many ex post bad decisions? The causes of the foreclosure crisisFoote, Christopher L.; Gerardi, Kristopher S.; Willen, Paul S.
2011Classroom peer effects and student achievementBurke, Mary A.; Sass, Tim R.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 78