MAGKS – Joint Discussion Paper Series in Economics, Universität Marburg

ISSN: 1867-3678

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Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 722
2023Construction and analysis of uncertainty indices based on multilingual text representationsNaboka-Krell, Viktoriia
2023Air pollution and economic sanctions in IranBalali, Hamid; Farzanegan, Mohammad Reza; Zamani, Omid; Baniasadi, Mostafa
2023Digitales Zentralbankgeld: Warum wagt niemand den ersten Schritt?Thiel, Luzie; Michaelis, Jochen
2023And yet they help: An analytical model of how subsidies for modernizing landlords overcome inefficient tenancy lawReutter, Leo Florian; Von Wangenheim, Georg
2023Not all ECB meetings are created equalKandemir, Sinem; Tillmann, Peter
2023Documentation paper: Representative survey on attitudes and knowledge about inflation and monetary policy in Germany conducted in December 2022Hayo, Bernd
2023Monetary policy and inequality: A two-way relationThiel, Luzie
2023Incentives for construction clients in Germany to choose concrete with recycled aggregatesSterk, Ellen
2023Social bots' role in online political communication: Evidence from German Federal Election 2021Aziz, Abeer Ibtisam
2023Uncertainty about the war in Ukraine: Measurement and effects on the German business cycleGrebe, Moritz; Kandemir, Sinem; Tillmann, Peter
2023External financing and firm growth: Evidence from Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in IranCheratian, Iman; Goltabar, Saleh; Fereidouni, Hassan Gholipour; Farzanegan, Mohammad Reza
2023Structuring integrity: The impact of form partitioning on honesty in self-reportsNhat Luong
2023Rationalität, Erkenntnis und Entscheidung Bayesianismus und kritischer Rationalismus im VergleichAlbert, Max
2023The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on marriage and childbirth: Survey-based evidence from IranFarzanegan, Mohammad Reza; Fischer, Sven
2023The impact of US trade sanctions on the global trade of target countries: Do the political institutions of the targets matter?Dizaji, Sajjad Faraji; Farzanegan, Mohammad Reza
2023Citizens' acceptance of sustainable public construction in their municipalitySterk, Ellen; Endrikat, Morten; Katerusha, Dmytro
2023Income and happiness in Afghanistan: Do insecurity and violence matter?Asadi, Mohammad H.; Farzanegan, Mohammad Reza
2023Japan-specific viewpoints for bridging city planning and the industry of agricultureAshiya, Noriko
2023Budget forecast errors in Spanish municipalities: The role of transparencyGarcía, Israel
2023Does oil corrupt? Evidence from a multivariate VAR in IranFarzanegan, Mohammad Reza; Zamani, Reza
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 722