MAGKS – Joint Discussion Paper Series in Economics, Universität Marburg

ISSN: 1867-3678

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Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 301 bis 320 von 722
2017Interoperability in the digital economyKerber, Wolfgang; Schweitzer, Heike
2017Rights on Data: The EU communication 'Building a European Data Economy' from an economic perspectiveKerber, Wolfgang
2017The law and economics of list price collusionBoshoff, Willem; Paha, Johannes
2017A new measure to quantify hysteresis losses: The case of Italian wine exports to the USAdamonis, Jolita; Werner, Laura M.
2017Identification of individuals and groups in a public goods experimentChristens, Sven; Dannenberg, Astrid; Sachs, Florian
2017On standard-error-decreasing complementarity: Why collinearity is not the whole storyHayo, Bernd
2016Examination rules and student effortMichaelis, Jochen; Schwanebeck, Benjamin
2016Should wealth transfers be taxed? Citizens' view on a fundamental questionBischoff, Ivo; Kusa, Nataliya
2016Exhaustion of digital goods: An economic perspectiveKerber, Wolfgang
2016Central banks' predictability: An assessment by financial market participantsHayo, Bernd; Neuenkirch, Matthias
2016Forward or backward looking? The economic discourse and the observed realityLüdering, Jochen; Winker, Peter
2016Should there be a more active role of family care assistants in long-term care provision? Survey evidence on the view of German citizensBischoff, Ivo; Kusa, Nataliya
2016Local and spatial cointegration in the wage curve: A spatial panel analysis for German regionsKosfeld, Reinhold; Dreger, Christian
2016Information barriers and SRI market participation: Can sustainability and transparency labels help?Gutsche, Gunnar; Zwergel, Bernhard
2016The influences of social context on the measurement of distributional preferencesGreiff, Matthias; Ackermann, Kurt A.; Murphy, Ryan O.
2016Ice age climate, somatic capital, and the timing of the neolithic transitionGrall, Lothar
2016Survey on New Zealanders' attitudes towards and knowledge of macroeconomic policy issues: Documentation of survey methodology and descriptive resultsHayo, Bernd; Neumeier, Florian
2016Partial cross ownership and collusionde Haas, Samuel; Paha, Johannes
2016Patent settlements in the pharmaceutical industry: What can we learn from economic analysis?Frank, Severin; Kerber, Wolfgang
2016Green nudges: Do they work? Are they ethical?Schubert, Christian
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 301 bis 320 von 722