FEEM Working Papers, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 281 to 300 of 2595
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2016Building Uncertainty into the Adaptation Cost Estimation in Integrated Assessment ModelsMarkandya, Anil; De Cian, Enrica; Drouet, Laurent; Polanco-Martìnez, Josué M.; Bosello, Francesco
2016Ellsberg Re-revisited: An Experiment Disentangling Model Uncertainty and Risk AversionBerger, Loic; Bosetti, Valentina
2016How Green are Economists?Carattini, Stefano; Tavoni, Alessandro
2016Accelerated Depreciation, Default Risk and Investment DecisionsPanteghini, Paolo M.; Vergalli, Sergio
2016Priority for the Worse Off and the Social Cost of CarbonAdler, Matthew; Anthoff, David; Bosetti, Valentina; Garner, Greg; Keller, Klaus; Treich, Nicolas
2016Carbon Storage and Bioenergy: Using Forests for Climate MitigationFavero, Alice; Mendelsohn, Robert; Sohngen, Brent
2016An Empirical Analysis of the Public Spending Decomposition on Organized CrimeBerrittella, Maria; Provenzano, Carmelo
2016EU ETS Facets in the Net: How Account Types Influence the Structure of the SystemBorghesi, Simone; Flori, Andrea
2016Exploring the Community Structure of Complex NetworksDrago, Carlo
2016Extending the EU Commission’s Proposal for a Reform of the EU Emissions Trading SystemSchleicher, Stefan P.; Köppl, Angela; Zeitlberger, Alexander
2016Are China’s Climate Commitments in a Post-Paris Agreement Sufficiently Ambitious?Zhang, ZhongXiang
2016Policy- v. Individual Heterogeneity in the Benefits of Climate Change Mitigation: Evidence from a Stated-Preference SurveyAlberini, Anna; Šcasný, Milan; Bigano, Andrea
2016An Economic Assessment of Low-Carbon Investment Flows in the U.S. Power SectorWang, Lu; Favero, Alice; Brown, Marilyn
2016Sharing R&D Investments in Breakthrough Technologies to Control Climate ChangeRubio, Santiago J.
2016Exploring the Potential for Energy Efficiency in TurkeyTagliapietra, Simone
2016Investing in Photovoltaics: Timing, Plant Sizing and Smart Grids FlexibilityBertolini, Marina; D'Alpaos, Chiara; Moretto, Michele
2016The Political Economy of Energy InnovationDasgupta, Shouro; De Cian, Enrica; Verdolini, Elena
2016Quantifying the Effects of Expert Selection and Elicitation Design on Experts’ Confidence in their Judgments about Future Energy TechnologiesNemet, Gregory F.; Anadon, Laura Diaz; Verdolini, Elena
2016COP 21 and Economic Theory: Taking StockTulkens, Henry
2016Environmental Protection for Sale: Strategic Green Industrial Policy and Climate FinanceFischer, Carolyn
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 281 to 300 of 2595
Also listed in RePEc / EconPapers