FEEM Working Papers, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 341 to 360 of 2595
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2016Tipping Points and Loss Aversion in International Environmental AgreementsIris, Doruk; Tavoni, Alessandro
2016Modeling Uncertainty in Climate Change: A Multi-Model ComparisonGillingham, Kenneth; Nordhaus, William; Anthoff, David; Bosetti, Valentina; McJeon, Haewon; Blanford, Geoffrey; Christensen, Peter; Reilly, John; Sztorc, Paul
2016Inequality and the Social Cost of CarbonAnthoff, David; Emmerling, Johannes
2016The Regularity and Irregularity of Travel: an Analysis of the Consistency of Travel Times Associated with Subsistence, Maintenance and Discretionary ActivitiesLongden, Thomas
2016Economic Impacts of El Niño Southern Oscillation: Evidence from the Colombian Coffee MarketBastianin, Andrea; Lanza, Alessandro; Manera, Matteo
2016The Cost of Climate Stabilization in Southeast Asia, a Joint Assessment with Dynamic Optimization and CGE ModelsBosello, Francesco; Marangoni, Giacomo; Orecchia, Carlo; Raitzer, David A.; Tavoni, Massimo
2016Climate Change Policy under Polar AmplificationBrock, William A.; Xepapadeas, Anastasios
2016China’s Pursuit of Environmentally Sustainable Development: Harnessing the New Engine of Technological InnovationJin, Wei; Zhang, ZhongXiang
2016Global Energy Demand in a Warming ClimateDe Cian, Enrica; Wing, Ian Sue
2016The Water Abstraction License Regime in Italy: A Case for Reform?Santato, Silvia; Mysiak, Jaroslav; Pérez-Blanco, Carlos Dionisio
2016Increasing Anti-Malaria Bednet Uptake Using Information and Distribution Strategies: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in SenegalBonan, Jacopo; LeMay-Boucher, Philippe; Tenikue, Michel
2016Distributional and Welfare Impacts of Renewable Subsidies in ItalyDistante, Roberta; Verdolini, Elena; Tavoni, Massimo
2016A Systemic Approach to the Development of a Policy Mix for Material Resource EfficiencyEkvall, Tomas; Hirschnitz-Garbers, Martin; Eboli, Fabio; Sniegocki, Aleksander
2016Anatomy of Risk Premium in UK Natural Gas FuturesMartínez, Beatriz; Torró, Hipòlit
2016A Note on Pollution Regulation With Asymmetric InformationPench, Alberto
2016The Strategic Use of Abatement by a Polluting MonopolyMartín-Herrán, Guiomar; Rubio, Santiago J.
2016Access to Modern Energy: a Review of Barriers, Drivers and ImpactsBonan, Jacopo; Pareglio, Stefano; Tavoni, Massimo
2016Can Hypothetical Time Discounting Rates Predict Actual Behaviour: Evidence from a Randomized ExperimentBonan, Jacopo; LeMay-Boucher, Philippe; Scott, Douglas
2016Preferences for Energy Efficiency vs. Renewables: How Much Does a Ton of CO2 Emissions Cost?Alberini, Anna; Bigano, Andrea; Šcasný, Milan; Zverinová, Iva
2015Migration and Climate Change in Rural AfricaCattaneo, Cristina; Massetti, Emanuele
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 341 to 360 of 2595
Also listed in RePEc / EconPapers