FERDI Working Papers, Fondation pour les études et recherches sur le développement international (FERDI)

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 301 to 320 of 370
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2012How Can Development NGOs Be Evaluated?Gunning, Jan Willem
2012La politique de coopération avec les pays en développement selon Jean-Marcel Jeanneney : un rapport d'actualité vieux d'un demi-siècleGuillaumont Jeanneney, Sylviane
2012Mesurer l'instabilité macroéconomique: Applications aux données de recettes d'exportation, 1970-2005Cariolle, Joël
2012Housing and Urbanization in Africa: Unleashing a Formal Market ProcessCollier, Paul
2012North-South Standards Harmonization and International TradeCadot, Olivier; Disdier, Anne-Cécilia; Fontagné, Lionel
2012Les mots clé de Busan : cohérence entre les discours et le document final de la conférenceLabart, Kelly
2012Imports and TFP at the Firm Level: The Role of Absorptive CapacityAugier, Patricia; Cadot, Olivier; Dovis, Marion
2012Product relatedness and firm exports in ChinaPoncet, Sandra; Starosta de Waldemar, Felipe
2012Disentangling the Effects of Fair Trade on the Quality of Malian CottonBalineau, Gaëlle
2012The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Least Developed CountriesAudiguier, Cindy
2012Do Remittances Reduce Aid Dependency?Kpodar, Roland Kangni; Le Goff, Maëlan
2012Export upgrading and growth: the prerequisite of domestic embeddednessPoncet, Sandra; Starosta de Waldemar, Felipe
2012Trade in a 'Green Growth' Development Strategy. Global Scale Issues and Challengesde Melo, Jaime
2012Bananas, the GATT, the WTO and US and EU domestic Politicsde Melo, Jaime
2012Access to Infrastructure and Women's Time Allocation: Evidence and a Framework for Policy AnalysisAgenor, Pierre-Richard; Canuto, Otaviano
2012Savings from Natural Resource Revenues in Developing Countries: Principles and Policy RulesCollier, Paul
2012Pro-poor indirect tax reforms, with an application to MexicoAraar, Abdelkrim; Duclos, Jean-Yves; Makdissi, Paul
2012Is the value of humanity increasing? A critical-level enquiryCockburn, John; Duclos, Jean-Yves; Zabsonré, Agnès
2012Sur la Déclaration de Paris : évaluer l'évaluationBerthélemy, Jean-Claude
2012Getting Progress Right: Measuring Progress Towards the MDGs Against Historical TrendsKlasen, Stephan; Lange, Simon
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 301 to 320 of 370