FERDI Working Papers, Fondation pour les études et recherches sur le développement international (FERDI)

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 281 to 300 of 370
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2013The Integrated Framework for Trade-related Assistance to the Least Developed Countries: A Promising InitiativeHein, Philippe
2013Environmental policy and exports: Evidence from ChinaPoncet, Sandra; Hering, Laura
2013Atteindre les OMD dans les PMA et autres pays vulnérables : Où en sommes-nous?Boussichas, Matthieu; Coudert, Benjamin; Gillot, Claire
2013Tax coordination, tax competition, and revenue mobilization in the west african economic and monetary unionMansour, Mario; Rota-Graziosi, Grégoire
2013Assessing the Prospects of Accelerated Graduation of the Least Developed CountriesGuillaumont, Patrick; Drabo, Alassane
2013Aid for Trade Effectiveness: Complementarities with Economic IntegrationVijil, Mariana
2013Performance Assessment: How it Depends on Structural Economic Vulnerabilty and Human Capital. Implications for the Allocation of AidGuillaumont, Patrick; Mcgillivray, Mark; Wagner, Laurent
2013Conduite de la politique monétaire en union monétaire : défis et perspectives - Le cas de l'UMOAGuillaumont Jeanneney, Sylviane
2013Three Ways to Assess Corruption: How to compare indicators?Lesné, Frédéric
2013Les accords de coopération monétaire de la Zone franc : atouts et contraintesGuillaumont, Patrick; Guillaumont Jeanneney, Sylviane
2013When Corruption is a Response to Export InstabilityCariolle, Joël
2013Regional Integration and Natural Resources: who benefits? Evidence from MENACarrère, Céline; Gourdon, Julien; Olarreaga, Marcelo
2013Labor Markets in Regional Trade Agreements: What Do We Know?de Melo, Jaime; Regolo, Julie
2013Evaluating Aid for Trade: A Survey of Recent StudiesCadot, Olivier; Fernandes, Ana; Gourdon, Julien; Mattoo, Aaditya; de Melo, Jaime
2013Removing Barriers to Trade on Environmental Goods: An AppraisalBalineau, Gaëlle; de Melo, Jaime
2013The (lack of) impact of impact: Why impact evaluations seldom lead to evidence-based policymakingArcand, Jean-Louis
2012Deepening Financial Markets in Francophone West AfricaCollier, Paul
2012A Second Look at the Pesticides Initiative Program: Evidence from SenegalCadot, Olivier; Jaud, Melise
2012Contrôler moins pour contrôler mieux : L'utilisation du data mining pour la gestion du risque en douaneCoundoul, Ousmane; Gadiaga, Massene; Geourjon, Anne-Marie; Laporte, Bertrand
2012Unravelling the Worldwide Pollution Haven EffectGrether, Jean-Marie; Mathys, Nicole A.; de Melo, Jaime
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 281 to 300 of 370