FERDI Policy Briefs, Fondation pour les études et recherches sur le développement international (FERDI)

ISSN: 2275-5055

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 289
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2016Trois jalons pour la mise en œuvre de l'agenda 2030 en éducationDeconinck, Christophe
2016Vers une politique du climat réaliste et efficace : à la lumière de la théorie des jeuxBabonneau, Frédéric; Haurie, Alain; Vielle, Marc
2016Models to Action: Proactive Integration of Social Learning TheoryMagruder, Jeremy
2015Was Sandmo Right? Experimental Evidence on Attitudes to Price UncertaintyLee, Yu Na; Bellemare, Marc F.; Just, David R.
2015Enjeux énergétiques en Afrique et options stratégiquesBerthélemy, Jean-Claude
2015Insuring Growth: The Impact of Disaster Funds on Economic Developmentde Janvry, Alain; Del Valle, Alejandro; Sadoulet, Elisabeth
2015Planning for Disasters and the Economics of Disaster Risk Financing and InsuranceClarke, Daniel J.; Dercon, Stefan
2015Utility, Risk, and Demand for Incomplete InsuranceMcintosh, Craig; Povel, Felix; Sadoulet, Elisabeth
2015The application of a probabilistic catastrophe risk modelling framework to poverty outcomes: General form vulnerability functions relating household poverty outcomes to hazard intensity in EthiopiaPorter, Catherine; White, Emily
2015Expanding or increasing: index-based social protection in Nigerde Nicola, Francesca
2015How the Trade Facilitation Agreement can help reduce Trade Costs for LDCsde Melo, Jaime; Wagner, Laurent
2015The Fiscal Implications of Hurricane Strikes in the CaribbeanOuattara, Bazoumana; Strobl, Eric; Vermeiren, Jan; Yearwood, Stacia
2015Ex-Ante Risk Management and Implications for Sustainable Poverty ReductionVargas Hill, Ruth; Skoufias, Emmanuel
2015Discipline and disasters: The political economy of Mexico's Sovereign Disaster Risk Financing ProgramBoudreau, Laura
2015Voters Response to Natural Disasters Aid: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Drought Relief Payment in MexicoFuchs, Alan; Rodriguez-Chamussy, Lourdes
2015Weather-indexed insurance and productivity of small-scale farmers: An impact evaluation of Mexico's CADENA programRamirez Ritchie, Elizabeth
2015Trade Policy Coordination and Food Price VolatilityGouel, Christophe
2015Optimal Fiscal Management of Resource WindfallsAgenor, Pierre-Richard
2015The Political Economy of Food Policy During Price SpikesPieters, Hannah; Swinnen, Johan
2015Financement des guichets concessionnels : réformer le triangle magiqueChervalier, Benoît
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 289