FERDI Policy Briefs, Fondation pour les études et recherches sur le développement international (FERDI)

ISSN: 2275-5055

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 289
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2015Food Price Volatility in Developing Countries - the Role of Trade Policies and StorageKornher, Lukas; Kalkuhl, Matthias; Mujahid, Irfan
2015Farm Storage and Asymmetric Maize Price Shocks in AfricaMaitre D'Hotel, Elodie; Le Cotty, Tristan
2015Renforcer l'Intégration Régionale et mesurer ses progrès : intérêt et principes d'un indice d'engagement des Etats par rapport aux textes communautairesCariolle, Joël; Geourjon, Anne-Marie
2015Ex-ante evaluation of the cost of alternative sovereign DRFI strategiesClarke, Daniel J.; Mahul, Olivier; Poulter, Richard; Teh, Tse-Ling
2015Les conditions de l'émergence en Afrique: Investir, Inciter, Innover, InclureDerreumaux, Paul
2015Consistency between Theory and Practice in Policy Recommendation by International Organizations for Extreme Price and Extreme Volatility SituationsTorero, Maximo
2015Capturing the transformation rent: Lessons from Mexico and Chinade Janvry, Alain; Wang, Shaoda
2015The role of inter-household transfers in coping with post-disaster losses in MadagascarAndrianarimanana, Danamona
2015Food Price Shocks-Induced Poverty Traps: Analysis Using a Panel Dataset from UgandaMukasa, Adamon N.
2015Food Prices and Household Welfare: A Pseudo Panel ApproachZiegelhöfer, Zacharias
2015Performance-based allocation (PBA) of foreign aid : still alive?Guillaumont, Patrick; Wagner, Laurent
2015Price Transmission and Asymmetric Adjustment: the Case of Three West African Rice MarketsBrunelin, Stéphanie
2015Food Price Changes, Price Insulation and PovertyMartin, Will; Ivanic, Maros
2015Commodity Market Instability and Development: Issues and PoliciesSarris, Aleko
2015Corruption in Turbulent Times: A Response to Export Booms and BustsCariolle, Joël
2015Entreprises Sociales et Investissements de Mission – Quel rôle dans le développement de l'Afrique subsaharienne ?Baraton, Pierrick
2015Food Price Volatility in Landlocked Developing CountriesGreb, Friederike; Rapsomanikis, George
2015The State of climate-related negotiations: modest steps in the right directionFlannery, Brian P.; de Melo, Jaime
2015Food Prices, Food Price Volatility and the Financialization of Agricultural Futures MarketsGilbert, Christopher L.
2015Asymmetries in Commodity Price BehaviourGhoshray, Atanu
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 289