FERDI Policy Briefs, Fondation pour les études et recherches sur le développement international (FERDI)

ISSN: 2275-5055

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 289
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2013Export upgrading and growth in China: the prerequisite of domestic embeddednessPoncet, Sandra; Starosta de Waldemar, Felipe
2013The Impact of Insurance Provision on Households' Production and Financial DecisionsCai, Jin
2013Demand for InsuranceLigon, Ethan
2013Learning from Lemons: The Role of Government in Index Insurance for IndividualsClarke, Daniel J.; Wren-Lewis, Liam
2013Willingness to pay for weather index insurance linked to production cost: An application to EthiopiaMcintosh, Craig; Sarris, Alexander; Papadopoulos, Fotis
2013The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Least Developed CountriesAudiguier, Cindy
2013The Stalemate at the Negotiations on Environmental Goods: Can it be Broken?Balineau, Gaëlle; de Melo, Jaime
2013Mitigating the Credit Risk associated with Agricultural Lending in Rural TanzaniaMerryman, Adrian
2013What Use for Flexible Microsavings? Lessons from SafeSaveLaureti, Carolina
2013Environmental policy in China: what effectiveness?Hering, Laura; Poncet, Sandra
2013Risk and demand for incomplete insurance: Lab experiments with Guatemalan cooperativesSadoulet, Elisabeth; de Janvry, Alain
2013Trois façons d'évaluer la corruption : comment comparer les indicateurs ?Lesné, Frédéric
2012Measures of Tariff Preference MarginsCarrère, Céline
2012The FAO: Ever more necessary but ever more challenging to manageSadoulet, Elisabeth; de Janvry, Alain; Gordillo, Gustavo
2012The Efficiency of Fair Trade Coffeede Janvry, Alain
2012The impact of fair tradeVagneron, Isabelle
2012Mesurer l'instabilité macroéconomique: Applications aux données de recettes d'exportation, 1970-2005Cariolle, Joël
2012The Fair Trade Balance: New Challenges after 25 years of Fair TradeRuben, Ruerd
2012Que nous enseignent les études de consommateurs sur la capacité du commerce équitable à être un outil de développementBecheur, Beji
2012Commerce Equitable : Diagnostic, expérience et position de l'Agence Française de DéveloppementCuzon, Jean-René
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 289