EGC Discussion Papers, Economic Growth Center (EGC), Yale University

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 1059
2020Labor market dynamics and developmentDonovan, Kevin; Lu, Will Jianyu; Schoellman, Todd
2020La "Doña" è mobile: The role of women in social mobility in a premodern economyEspín-Sánchez, José-Antonio; Gil-Guirado, Salvador; Vickers, Chris
2020Migration and informal insuranceMeghir, Costas; Mobarak, Ahmed Mushfiq; Mommaerts, Corina; Morten, Melanie
2020Is fish brain food or brain poison? Sea surface temperature, methyl-mercury and child cognitive developmentRosenzweig, Mark R.; Santos, Rafael J.
2019Housing prices, inter-generational co-residence, and "excess" savings by the young: Evidence using Chinese dataRosenzweig, Mark R.; Zhang, Zunsen
2019Assessing the benefits of long-run weather forecasting for the rural poor: Farmer investments and worker migration in a dynamic equilibrium modelRosenzweig, Mark R.; Udry, Christopher
2019On her own account: How strengthening women's financial control impacts labor supply and gender normsField, Erica Marie; Pande, Rohini; Rigol, Natalia; Schaner, Simone; Moore, Charity Troyer
2019Migration and informal insuranceMeghir, Costas; Mobarak, Ahmed Mushfiq; Mommaerts, Corina; Morten, Melanie
2019Bismarck to no effect: Fertility decline and the introduction of social insurance in PrussiaGuinnane, Timothy W.; Streb, Jochen
2019The effects of schooling on costless health maintenance: Overweight adolescents and children in rural ChinaRosenzweig, Mark R.; Zhang, Junsen
2018Can network theory-based targeting increase technology adoption?Beaman, Lori; Benyishay, Ariel; Magruder, Jeremy; Mobarak, Ahmed Mushfiq
2018Capital structure and the choice of enterprise form: Theory and historyGuinnane, Timothy; Schneebacher, Jakob
2018Enforcing regulation under illicit adaptationGonzalez Lira, Andres; Mobarak, Ahmed Mushfiq
2017Partnership as experimentation: Business organization and survival in Egypt, 1910-1949Artunç, Cihan; Guinnane, Timothy
2017Human capital development and parental investment in IndiaAttanasio, Orazio P.; Meghir, Costas; Nix, Emily
2017Are there too many farms in the world? Labor-market transaction costs, machine capacities and optimal farm sizeFoster, Andrew D.; Rosenzweig, Mark Richard
2017Inter-sectoral terms of trade and investible surplusFardmanesh, Mohsen
2016Networks in conflict: Theory and evidence from the great war of AfricaKönig, Michael D.; Rohner, Dominic; Thoenig, Mathias; Zilibotti, Fabrizio
2016Banking the unbanked? Evidence from three countriesKarlan, Dean S.; Dupas, Pascaline; Robinson, Jonathan; Ubfal, Diego
2016Insurgency and small wars: Estimation of unobserved coalition structuresTrebbi, Francesco; Weese, Eric
Collection's Items (Sorted by Titel in absteigend order): 21 to 40 of 1059