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Year of Publication: 
[Journal:] Amfiteatru Economic Journal [ISSN:] 2247-9104 [Volume:] 22 [Issue:] 54 [Year:] 2020 [Pages:] 608-622
The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest
Nowadays, projects are a common mean of organizing activities in all fields, aspects concerning project management representing a current research topic. While people are considered the most valuable asset of an organisation, project managers can be seen as key players for projects' success, a topic of great interest due to the high number of failing projects. The research aims to identify the profile of an ideal project manager, by presenting an overview of studies regarding the profile of a good project manager and, on the other hand, by analysing the perceptions of organisations' managers and HR specialists regarding the profile of the project manager. The research method is based on the conjoint analysis, for a more realistic approach. Thus, a controlled set of different project manager candidates' profiles is presented in pairs to respondents, who are asked to express their preference. As a result, the article proposes an instrument applicable within any organisation, to identify the profile of the project manager best suited for the role. Firstly, the empirical research provides evidence that persons involved in project managers' selection perceive the value of education, certification, experience or soft skills differently, based on their professional role. Secondly, it shows that project management certifications are relevant for project managers' selection and are much appreciated around the world. Although each project requires specific skills and competencies for the project manager, the research ascertains a preferred profile based on the perception of over one hundred respondents, involved in the selection process of project managers.
project manager
project management certificates
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