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Titel (übersetzt): 
The relevance of bitcoin in modern economics
[Journal:] Atlantic Review of Economics (ARoEc) [ISSN:] 2174-3835 [Volume:] 3 [Issue:] 3 [Year:] 2019
Colegio de Economistas de A Coruña, A Coruña
Zusammenfassung (übersetzt): 
The modern economies of nowadays are monetary economies, where money has a key role in the development, stability and welfare of nations and their populations. Keynes (1936) emphasized that the Economies of 20th century were not more change economies but monetary economies in which money have a preponderant role. The relevance of money in modern economies has evolved with the evolution of society and with the technology, knowledge and new forms of communication that characterize the 20th and 21st centuries, especially with the latter one. With this purpose, the aim of this chapter is describe the importance and evolution of money in modern economies in the last hundred years, based in the a general and evolutionary framework that characterizes the global financial and monetary system of today and future trends, on its integration on technologies, new financial instruments and new forms of payments. This article aims to describe theoretically, and with recourse to real cases of study whenever possible, the importance and evolution of money in modern economies, considering the evolution of the currency suffered since the industrial revolution, through the various forms of money and requirements of the financial and monetary system in the last hundred years, until today and future trends of the systems and form of payments. Will be considered the metallic money, paper money, scriptural money, plastic money and above all the existence of electronic money based on electronic transfers and systems of electronic payments and the crypto-coins (for example the Bitcoin) that emerged at the end of the first decade of the 21st century. The various concepts involved in the currency description and that allow a greater knowledge on this topic will be presented. Future trends will be presented at the end.
monetary economies
evolution of money
new forms of payment

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