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Results 1-10 of 191.
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2017Die Bedeutung von Situiertheit für die praktische Konstitution von Konsultationsnetzwerken in F&ERoth, Philip
2016Partnerselektionslogiken im Innovationsprozess: Empirische Befunde zur Bedeutung von sozio-materiellen Handlungskontexten für die praktischen Konstitution von informellen Konsultationsnetzwerken in F&ERoth, Philip
2021A charging infrastructure network for battery electric trucks in EuropeSauter, Verena; Speth, Daniel; Plötz, Patrick; Signer, Tim
2017Transformative policy mixes in socio-technical scenarios: The case of the low-carbon transition of the German electricity system (2010-2050)Rogge, Karoline S.; Pfluger, Benjamin; Geels, Frank
2019Moral licensing and rebound effects in the residential lighting area: An experimental studyEberling, Elisabeth; Dütschke, Elisabeth; Eckartz, Katharina Marie; Schuler, Johannes
2011Grid integration of intermittent renewable energy sources using price-responsive plug-in electric vehiclesDallinger, David; Wietschel, Martin
2018China's trajectory from production to innovation: Insights from the photovoltaics sectorGandenberger, Carsten
2015Plug-in electric vehicles automated charging controlDallinger, David; Kohrs, Robert; Mierau, Michael; Marwitz, Simon; Wesche, Julius
2013Techno-ökonomische Bewertung von Stromspeichern im NiederspannungsnetzMohring, Alexandra; Michaelis, Julia
2017Defining regional recycling indicators for metals: An extension of global recycling indicators to regional systems with open boundariesTercero Espinoza, Luis Alberto; Soulier, Marcel