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Ergebnisse 151-160 von 191.
2018How much load flexibility can a euro buy? Findings from a choice experiment with companies in the German commerce and services sectorOlsthoorn, Mark; Schleich, Joachim; Wohlfarth, Katharina; Klobasa, Marian
2013Nutzenwirkung der Marktprämie im Rahmen des Projektes Laufende Evaluierung der Direktvermarktung von Strom aus erneuerbaren EnergienKlobasa, Marian; Ragwitz, Mario; Sensfuß, Frank; Rostankowski, Anke; Baier, André; Holzhammer, Uwe Gerhardt; Lehnert, Wieland
2018Beyond technology: Towards sustainability through behavioral transitionsBodenheimer, Miriam
2016Visualizing global trade flows of copper: An examination of copper contained in international trade flows in 2014Tercero Espinoza, Luis Alberto; Soulier, Marcel; Haag, Stefan
2018Techno-economic modelling of low-voltage networks: A concept to determine the grid investment required in Germany and the implications for grid utilisation feesMarwitz, Simon; Elsland, Rainer
2013Costs of meeting international climate targets without nuclear powerDuscha, Vicki; Schumacher, Katja; Schleich, Joachim; Buisson, Pierre
2010Optimisation algorithms for the charge dispatch of plug-in vehicles based on variable tariffsLink, Jochen; Büttner, Markus; Dallinger, David; Richter, Julius
2006An early assessment of national allocation plans for phase 2 of EU emission tradingRogge, Karoline S.; Schleich, Joachim; Betz, Regina
2012Theoretical perspective on rebound effects from a social science point of view: Working paper to prepare empirical psychological and sociological studies in the REBOUND projectPeters, Anja; Sonnberger, Marco; Dütschke, Elisabeth; Deuschle, Jürgen
2016Magnetrecycling bei Pedelecs: Rahmenbedingungen und Akteure - Status Quo und PerspektivenEckartz, Katharina; Glöser-Chahoud, Simon; Ostertag, Katrin