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SWP Comment No. 8/2024
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin
Far-right parties are gaining support across Europe. Their level of participation in national governments is increasing, and they are expected to make further gains in the European Parliament elections in June 2024. As their influence over European Union (EU) policy rises, it is imperative to assess how they are positioning themselves on crucial dimensions of EU foreign and security policy. A closer look shows that geostrategic issues remain a cleavage point that is contributing to the fragmentation of the far-right spectrum. Their positions fluctuate between a transatlantic orientation and clear support for Ukraine among the national-conservative European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR), to fundamental opposition with an anti-Western stance among parts of the right-wing populist to extremist parties in the Identity and Democracy (ID) Group. Due to the intergovernmental nature of EU foreign and security policy, the biggest challenges will come with national elections and coalition-making.
European Union
European Parliament
European Parliament elections 2024
European elections 2024
far-right parties
EU foreign and security policy
European Conservatives and Reformists
Identity and Democracy
EU relations with Russia
EU relations with China
EU relations with the United States
EU relations with NATO
enlargement of the EU
voting behaviour
geostrategic positioning
fragmentation of the far-right spectrum
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Research Report

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