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Title (translated): 
Integrating of the enterprise architecture and multicriteria approaches to evaluate the degree of maturity in an organization
Year of Publication: 
[Journal:] Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa [ISSN:] 1886-516X [Volume:] 30 [Year:] 2020 [Pages:] 196-213
Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla
Abstract (Translated): 
The need to align the strategies of the organization with the new information technologies had been imposed by the development of these last. One of the approaches that makes it possible such alienation is the Enterprise Architecture Approach (AE). To implement an AE project, it is necessary to start with a diagnosis that determines the current state of the organization to develop, apply and maintain this approach, through a continuous process. For this purpose, a maturity model can be used, which allows to draw up development strategies to achieve the planned objectives and identify improvement areas. The present work has as objective to design a technology that allows evaluating the degree of maturity of an organization. The proposal starts from the application of a checklist that includes the fundamental aspects of the layers that make up the Enterprise Architecture. The preferences of the leaders and workers involved are considered using a Multicriteria approach, in particular, a weighted sum function (Scoring). As a result, the levels of maturity of the organizations considered are obtained, besides the applications allowed to detect that the layers of greater insufficiencies are those of business and information.
business maturity
business architecture
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