Browsen in "Journal of Contextual Economics (JCE) – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Duncker & Humblot" nach Titel

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2022Opportunity, not Welfare: How Behavioral Insights Should Lead to a Reorientation of the Normative Foundation in Law and Economicsvan Emmerick, Elias; Dold, Malte
2022Measuring Digital Work in (German) Employee Surveys: An Overview and Proposal of SystematizationMarx, Charlotte K.; Abendroth, Anja-Kristin; Meyer, Sophie-Charlotte; Reimann, Mareike; Tisch, Anita
2022Collective Bargaining Autonomy in a Crisis of Legitimacy? An Analysis of Historical DebatesLesch, Hagen; Bach, Helena; Vogel, Sandra
2022Why Are So Many Western Intellectuals Abandoning Liberalism and What Can We Do About It?Craiutu, Aurelian
2021II. On the Methodology of the Sciences of the State and SocietySchmoller, Gustav
2021Inequality and Unemployment in Germany: Perception and RealityHüther, Michael; Niehues, Judith
2021The Importance of Context for the Development of Labour Market Theory and PolicyAltman, Morris
2021Economics and Culture: Is the Context Considered?de Jong, Eelke
2021How Do Life Partners and Their Occupational Choice Affect the Path of Transition to Entrepreneurship? A Comparison Between Direct and Indirect Entry into EntrepreneurshipDemir, Cemre; Stephan, Meike; Werner, Arndt
2021Foreword to the Translation of Gustav Schmoller's Reviews of Carl Menger's "Principles," "Investigations," and "Errors"Horn, Karen; Kolev, Stefan
2021The Legislature of the German Reichvon Holtzendorff, Franz
2021Utilitarian and Ideological Determinants of Attitudes towards Immigration: Germany Before and After the "Migration Crisis"Welsch, Heinz
2021Introduction to Special Issue "The Jahrbuch: The First 150 Years"Grudev, Lachezar; Kolev, Stefan
2021The Early Reception of Carl Menger's Grundsätze: A Bibliographical NoteSalazar, Federico
2021III. Reaction to Carl Menger's "The Errors of Historicism"Schmoller, Gustav
2021Coining Neoliberalism: Interwar Germany and the Neglected Origins of a Pejorative MonikerMagness, Phillip W.
2021Environment as a Resource, not a ConstraintRemic, Blaž
2021A Contextualist Approach to Health EconomicsDavis, John B.; McMaster, Robert
2021I. Review of Carl Menger's "Principles of Economics"Schmoller, Gustav
2021Taming Giants: How Ordoliberal Competition Theory Can Address Power in the Digital AgeKüsters, Anselm; Oakes, Isabel