Journal of Contextual Economics (JCE) – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Duncker & Humblot

ISSN: 2568-762X

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 181 bis 200 von 1951
2014Zur empirischen Prüfbarkeit des homo oeconomicus anhand der Messung der Motive ehrenamtlichen Engagements in SportvereinenFlatau, Jens; Emrich, Eike; Pierdzioch, Christian
2014The European Social Survey: Contents, Design, and Research PotentialSchnaudt, Christian; Weinhardt, Michael; Fitzgerald, Rory; Liebig, Stefan
2013Investitionen in der Krise? Eine empirische Analyse zum Einfluss der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise 2008/2009 auf InvestitionsanpassungenGerner, Von Hans-Dieter; Stegmaier, Jens
2013"Familien in Deutschland" – FiDSchröder, Mathis; Siegers, Rainer; Spieß, C. Katharina
2013Editorial – SOEP 2012: The 10th International Socio-Economic Panel User ConferenceSchupp, Jürgen; Gornick, Janet; Spiess, C. Katharina; Ziebarth, Nicolas
2013Is Occupational Mobility in Germany Hampered by the Dual Vocational System? The Results of a British-German ComparisonRhein, Thomas; Trübswetter, Parvati; Nisic, Natascha
2013Subjective Well-Being and Air Quality in GermanySchmitt, Maike
2013The Research Data Centre of the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW-FDZ)Gottschalk, Sandra
2013Internal Migration of Immigrants: Evidence from Western GermanySaka, Belit
2013Saving and Old Age Provision in Germany (SAVE): Design and EnhancementsCoppola, Michela; Lamla, Bettina
2013Differential Employment Prospects among Atypical Employees: Effects of Type of Contract or Worker Preference?Brülle, Jan
2013International Migration as Occupational Mobility: The Case of GermanyLillard, Dean R.; Manzoni, Anna
2013Die Beschäftigungsstabilität nach einer dualen Berufsausbildung: Wer startet erfolgreich in das Erwerbsleben?Buch, Tanja; Wydra-Somaggio, Gabriele
2013The Ifo Investment DatabaseStrobel, Thomas; Sauer, Stefan; Wohlrabe, Klaus
2013What Makes Me See Inequality as Just?Bischoff, Ivo; Heinemann, Friedrich; Hennighausen, Tanja
2013Is a Temporary Job Better Than Unemployment? A Cross-country Comparison Based on British, German, and Swiss Panel DataGebel, Michael
2013Explaining Differences Between the Expected and Actual Duration Until Return Migration: Economic Changesvan den Berg, Gerard J.; Weynandt, Michèle A.
2013The German Ageing Survey (DEAS) – A Longitudinal and Time-Series Study of People in the Second Half of LifeEngstler, Heribert; Schmiade, Nicole
2013Gender Differences in Residential Mobility: The Case of Leaving Home in East GermanyGeissler, Ferdinand; Leopold, Thomas; Pink, Sebastian
2013Hospital Market Concentration and Discrimination of PatientsDewenter, Ralf; Jaschinski, Thomas; Kuchinke, Björn A.
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 181 bis 200 von 1951