Journal of Contextual Economics (JCE) – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Duncker & Humblot

ISSN: 2568-762X

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 81 bis 100 von 1951
2018Gustav von Schmoller and the Problems of TodaySchumpeter, Joseph
2018Zur Methodik der SocialwissenschaftSimmel, Georg
2018Die Überwindung des HistorismusEucken, Walter
2018The Philosophy of Social Market Economy: Michel Foucault's Analysis of OrdoliberalismGoldschmidt, Nils; Rauchenschwandtner, Hermann
2018Remarks on the Concept and Essence of CapitalismDiehl, Karl
2018Wirtschaftstheorie und WirtschaftssoziologieWiese, Leopold von
2018Many Roads Lead to Rome – the State of European IntegrationAbelshauser, Werner
2018Economic Theory and Economic SociologyWiese, Leopold von
2017Development, Informal Institutions and Agency Analyzed through the Lens of New Institutional Anthropology: A Modification of Ensminger's Framework on Institutional ChangeGoetter, Johanna Friederike
2017Populism: A Threat to Democracy? Or a verification of it?Webb, Steven
2017Ludwig M. Lachmann: Last Member of the German Historical SchoolEicholz, Hans L.
2017Beliefs about Economics and Economic Policies: How Different Are Prospective Economists and Teachers at the Beginning of Their Studies?Blum, Silvia; van Treeck, Till
2017Elevating Competition: Classical Political Economy in Justice Peckham's JurisprudenceGiocoli, Nicola
2017The Role of Institutions in the Finance-Inequality Nexus in Sub-Saharan AfricaAdeleye, Ngozi; Osabuohien, Evans; Bowale, Ebenezer
2017From "Usury" to "Financial Alchemy:" Martin Luther's Economic Writings RevisitedHecker, Christian
2017Introduction by the Editors to this Special IssueSilberberger, Magdalene; Zweynert, Joachim
2017East and West Germans' Attitudes and Preferences Regarding the Welfare StatePfarr, Christian; Schmid, Andreas; Ulrich, Volker
2017Can Regulatory Competition Improve Contracting Institutions? A Russian Tale of Two ReformsKluge, Janis
2017The Geopolitical Context for Institutional Change: The Case of Prussia in the 17th and 18th CenturyBerker, Christian
2017Repositioning Local Institutions in Natural Resource Management: Perspectives from Sub-Saharan AfricaKimengsi, Jude Ndzifon; Azibo, Balgah Roland
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 81 bis 100 von 1951