Journal of Contextual Economics (JCE) – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Duncker & Humblot

ISSN: 2568-762X

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 1951
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2012Using Experiences from the U.S. to Implement Health Savings Accounts in German Statutory Health InsuranceLange, Renate; Steinorth, Petra
2012The Quality of the KombiFiD-Sample of Business Services Enterprises: Evidence from a Replication StudyVogel, Alexander; Wagner, Joachim
2012Editorial – Introduction to the Special Issue: Demography, Social Institutions, and Individual OutcomesHimmelreicher, Ralf K.; Schröder, Carsten
2012Editorial – KombiFiD – Combined Firm Data for GermanyWagner, Joachim
2012Employment Biographies of the German Baby Boomer GenerationTisch, Anita; Tophoven, Silke
2012Biographical Data of Social Insurance Agencies in Germany – Improving the Content of Administrative DataHochfellner, Daniela; Müller, Dana; Wurdack, Anja
2012Der Rückgang der Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland: Ein Erfolg der Hartz-Reformen oder konjunktureller Effekt?Klinger, Sabine; Rothe, Thomas
2012Income Mobility – Curse or Blessing? Mobility in Social Security Earnings: Data on West-German Men since 1950Fachinger, Uwe; Himmelreicher, Ralf K.
2012The BIBB Training Panel – An Establishment Panel on Training and Competence DevelopmentGerhards, Christian; Mohr, Sabine; Troltsch, Klaus
2012Eine wohlfahrtsökonomische Analyse der Übernutzung patentfreier Antibiotika und deren Auswirkungen auf die Verbreitung resistenter InfektionserregerKaier, Klaus
2012The IfM Bonn Founder Panel – Design and Research PotentialKay, Rosemarie; Kranzusch, Peter
2012The Data Sets of the LMU-ifo Economics & Business Data Center – A Guide for ResearchersSeiler, Christian
2012The Quality of the KombiFiD-Sample of Enterprises from Manufacturing Industries: Evidence from a Replication StudyWagner, Joachim
2012The GESIS Microcensus-Trendfile – A New Database for the Study of Social ChangeLengerer, Andrea; Schroedter, Julia H.; Boehle, Mara; Wolf, Christof
2012Redistribution and Insurance in the German Welfare StateBartels, Charlotte
2012Employed But Still Unhappy? On the Relevance of the Social Work NormChadi, Adrian
2012National Health Data from the Robert Koch InstituteStolzenberg, Heribert; Dölle, Rüdiger; Kurth, Bärbel-Maria
2012Einwohnerveredelung im Länderfinanzausgleich: Defizite und ein AlternativvorschlagMudrack, Tony
2012Effectiveness of Further Vocational Training in Germany – Empirical Findings for Persons Receiving Means-tested Unemployment BenefitsBernhard, Sarah; Kruppe, Thomas
2012Multilinks Database on Intergenerational Policy IndicatorsKeck, Wolfgang; Saraceno, Chiara
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 1951