FAU Discussion Papers in Economics, Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)

ISSN: 1867-6707

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 101 bis 120 von 178
2015United, yet apart? A note on persistent labour market differences between Western and Eastern GermanySchnabel, Claus
2015How health plan enrollees value prices relative to supplemental benefits and service qualityBünnings, Christian; Schmitz, Hendrik; Tauchmann, Harald; Ziebarth, Nicolas R.
2015Feasible earnings momentum in the U.S. stock market: An investor's perspectiveKrauss, Christopher; Beerstecher, Daniel; Krüger, Tom
2015On the power and size properties of cointegration tests in the light of high-frequency stylized factsKrauss, Christopher; Herrmann, Klaus; Teis, Stefan
2015Nonlinear dependence modeling with bivariate copulas: Statistical arbitrage pairs trading on the S&P 100Krauss, Christopher; Stübinger, Johannes
2015In-group favoritism and discrimination among multiple out-groupsGrimm, Veronika; Utikal, Verena; Valmasoni, Lorenzo
2015Tax planning of married couples in East and West GermanyErbe, Katharina
2014Intergenerational transmission of unemployment: Evidence for German sonsMäder, Miriam; Müller, Steffen; Riphahn, Regina T.; Schwientek, Caroline
2014Where and when to pray? Optimal mass planning and efficient resource allocation in the churchMartin, Alexander; Weibelzahl, Martin
2014Components of intraday volatility and their prediction at different sampling frequencies with application to DAX and BUND futuresHerrmann, Klaus; Teis, Stefan; Yu, Weijun
2014Phillips curve shocks and real exchange rate fluctuations: SVAR evidenceGehrke, Britta; Yao, Fang
2014An experimental study of corporate social responsibility through charitable giving in Bertrand marketsFeicht, Robert; Grimm, Veronika; Seebauer, Michael
2014Learning cost sensitive binary classification rules accounting for uncertain and unequal misclassification costsRybizki, Lydia
2014Transmission and generation investment in electricity markets: The effects of market splitting and network fee regimesGrimm, Veronika; Martin, Alexander; Weibenzahl, Martin; Zoettl, Gregor
2014Are taxes beautiful? A survey experiment on information, tax choice and perceived adequacy of the tax burdenAbbiati, Lorenzo; Antinyan, Armenak; Corazzini, Luca
2014The levelling effect of product market competition on gender wage discriminationHirsch, Boris; Oberfichtner, Michael; Schnabel, Claus
2014Employment protection in dual labor markets: Any amplification of macroeconomic shocks?Lochner, Benjamin
2014Teenage pregnancies and births in Germany: Patterns and developmentsCygan-Rehm, Kamila; Riphahn, Regina
2014Fostering the best execution regime: An experiment about pecuniary sanctions and accountability in fiduciary money managementCasal, Sandro; Ploner, Matteo; Sproten, Alec N.
2014Strictness of tax compliance norms: A factorial survey on the acceptance of inheritance tax evasion in GermanyAbraham, Martin; Lorek, Kerstin; Richter, Friedemann; Wrede, Matthias
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 101 bis 120 von 178
Auch gelistet in RePEc / EconPapers