Working Papers, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI)

ISSN: 1994-4454

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 66
2023The quiet transnationalisation of board-level employee representation in national law and practice: A case for pan-European legislationLafuente, Sara
2023Juggling online gigs with offline jobs: How local labour markets are driving the growth in internet and platform workZwysen, Wouter; Piasna, Agnieszka
2023Working apart: Polarisation driven by widening firm gaps and outsourcingZwysen, Wouter
2023Analysing the flows and labour market outcomes of short-term mobile workers in the EUZwysen, Wouter; Akgüç, Mehtap
2023Friday on my mind: Working time in the manufacturing sectorMüller, Torsten
2023The curious non-advent of codetermination in Belgium: A focus on the Christian trade unionde Spiegelaere, Stan
2023Interlinkages between the just ecological transition and the digital transformationVerdolini, Elena
2023Job quality in turbulent times: An update of the European Job Quality IndexPiasna, Agnieszka
2022Labour rights in trade agreements: Five new storiesMyant, Martin
2022Mapping eco-social policy mixes for a just transition in EuropeMandelli, Matteo
2022Pensions and the green transition: Policy and political issues at stakeNatali, David; Raitano, Michele; Valenti, Giulia
2022Short- and medium-term sectoral employment forecasts 2021-2027Stehrer, Robert
2022Social protection for atypical workers during the pandemic: Measures, policy debates and trade union involvement in eight member statesSpasova, Slavina; Ghailani, Dalila; Sabato, Sebastiano; Vanhercke, Bart
2022A "social imbalances procedure" for the EU: Towards operationalisationSabato, Sebastiano; Vanhercke, Bart; Guio, Anne-Catherine
2022The judicialisation of European Trade Union Confederation action: From the Viking and Laval cases to defending fundamental social rightsLouis, Julien
2022The carbon pricing proposals of the "Fit for 55" package: An efficient and fair route to carbon neutrality?Valenduc, Christian
2022The EU recovery strategy: A blueprint for a more social Europe or a house of cards?Rainone, Silvia; Pochet, Philippe
2022Beyond normal central banking? Monetary policy after the pandemicvan Doorslaer, Hielke; Vermeiren, Mattias
2022Working conditions in Europe: The role of global value chains and advanced digital production-driven technological specialisationNikulin, Dagmara; Parteka, Aleksandra; Wolszczak-Derlacz, Joanna
2022The Europeanisation of board-level employee representation in France: An emerging role for European Works Councils?Lafuente, Sara
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 66