Working Papers, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI)

ISSN: 1994-4454

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 41 bis 60 von 66
2021Performance pay across Europe: Drivers of the increase and the link with wage inequalityZwysen, Wouter
2021From welfare to farewell: The European social-ecological state beyond economic growthLaurent, Éloi
2020European multinational companies and trade unions in Eastern and East-Central EuropeMyant, Martin
2020A socially just transition through the European Green Deal?Sabato, Sebastiano; Fronteddu, Boris
2020EWC confidential: Confidentiality in European works councils and how representatives deal with it. Case study and survey insightsMeylemans, Lise; De Spiegelaere, Stan
2020Mitigating the COVID-19 effect: Emergency economic policy-making in Central EuropePodvršič, Ana; Becker, Joachim; Piroska, Dóra; Profant, Tomáš; Hodulák, Vladan
2020Pushing the limits: The European Central Bank's role in restoring sustainable growthBibow, Jörg
2020Reform and oversight mechanisms are not enough: Access to justice for workers and employment standards in Central Eastern European countriesMuszyński, Karol
2020'One-in, one-out' in the European Union legal system: a deceptive reform?Van den Abeele, Éric
2020Using GDPR to improve legal clarity and working conditions on digital labour platforms: Can a code of conduct as provided for by Article 40 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) help workers and socially responsible platforms?Silberman, Michael; Johnston, Hannah
2020Counting gigs: How can we measure the scale of online platform work?Piasna, Agnieszka
2019Work in the platform economy: Deliveroo riders in Belgium and the SMart arrangementDrahokoupil, Jan; Piasna, Agnieszka
2019La mise en oeuvre législative des accords des partenaires sociaux européens : défis et débatsTricart, Jean-Paul
2019She works hard for the money: Tackling low pay in sectors dominated by women. Evidence from health and social careMüller, Torsten
2019Socialising the European semester? Measuring member states' implementation of country-specific recommendations in the social policy fieldAl-Kadi, Rayan; Clauwaert, Stefan
2019Digital labour in Central and Eastern Europe: Evidence from the ETUI internet and platform work surveyPiasna, Agnieszka; Drahokoupil, Jan
2019Convergence to fair wage growth? Evidence from European countries on the link between productivity and real compensation growth, 1970-2017Theodoropoulou, Sotiria
2019Économie de plateforme et droit social : enjeux prospectifs et approche juridique comparativeDaugareilh, Isabelle; Degryse, Christophe; Pochet, Philippe
2019A European social semester? The European pillar of social rights in practiceHacker, Björn
2019The platform economy and social law: Key issues in comparative perspectiveDaugareilh, Isabelle; Degryse, Christophe; Pochet, Philippe
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 41 bis 60 von 66