CIGI Papers, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 61
2023AI-related risk: The merits of an ESG-based approach to oversightWitzel, Mardi; Bhargava, Niraj
2023Valuing data: Where are we, and where do we go next?Sargent, Timothy C.; Denniston, Laura
2023Clearing the fog: The grey zones of space governanceWest, Jessica; Miller, Jordan
2023Weaponizing privacy and copyright law for censorshipRadsch, Courtney C.
2023State-centric data governance in ChinaHe, Alex
2023Is CBDC evolutionary or revolutionary? What economic history can teach usSiklos, Pierre L.
2022A digital loonie among many digital currencies prospects and outlookSiklos, Pierre L.
2022A future built on data: Data strategies, competitive advantage and trustAaronson, Susan Ariel
2022The digital Silk Road and China's influence on standard settingHe, Alex
2022Merger policy for a dynamic and digital Canadian economyBester, Keldon
2022Rudiments of a space security policy frameworkChasdi, Richard J.
2022Accounting for the digital economy time for a fresh approachMeredith, Patricia
2022Regulating the international digital economy, with trade and innovation in mindLippoldt, Douglas
2022Retail central bank digital currency: Has its time come?Siklos, Pierre L.
2022The impact of artificial intelligence on military defence and securityAraya, Daniel; King, Meg
2021China's techno-industrial development: A case study of the semiconductor industryHe, Alex
2021Central bank digital currency and governance: Fit for purpose?Siklos, Pierre L.
2021TRIPS-past to TRIPS-plus: Upholding the balance between exclusivity and accessBacchus, James
2021Quantifying trade secret theft: Policy implicationsCiuriak, Dan; Ptashkina, Marija
2021Policing the dark web: Legal challenges in the 2015 Playpen caseChertoff, Michael B.; Jardine, Eric
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 61